Tina Taylor Ockey

General Accounting Manager at Rimports (USA) LLC
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LinkedIn: Tina Taylor Ockey
Location: Santaquin, Utah, United States
Current employer:
Rimports (USA) LLC
Current title:
General Accounting Manager
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:17 AM
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Tina Taylor Ockey is from Santaquin, Utah, United States. Tina Taylor works in the following industries: "Manufacturing". Tina Taylor is currently General Accounting Manager at Rimports (USA) LLC. In Tina Taylor's previous role as a Controller at ProModel Corporation, Tina Taylor worked in until Oct 2012. Prior to joining ProModel Corporation, Tina Taylor was a Cost Accountant I/Payroll Manager at Dynix and held the position of Cost Accountant I/Payroll Manager. Prior to that, Tina Taylor was a Accountant at ProModel Corporation from Feb 1996 to Jun 2003. Tina Taylor started working as Graduate Assistant at USU in Sep 1994.

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Tina Taylor Ockey's current jobs
Company: Rimports (USA) LLC
Title: General Accounting Manager
Period: Oct 2012 - Present (12 years, 4 months)
Tina Taylor Ockey's past jobs
Title: Controller
Period: Mar 2004 - Oct 2012 (8 years, 7 months)

Supervise and take active role in closing each accounting period including the consolidation of financials from 2 entities. Prepare monthly operations statements. Reconcile all asset and liability accounts including cash accounts. Maintain the fixed asset records of 2 entities. Process bi-weekly payroll through ADP. Accrue commissions earned by sales force and track accrual until commissions are paid. Prepare audit schedules and take an active roll in ensuring that the yearly financial audit runs smoothly. Set-up and put into service a web-based time keeping system that is used company-wide. Migrated accounting records to MAS 90; including the development of a new chart of accounts that has proven to be adaptable over the last several years as reporting requirements have changed.

Company: Dynix
Title: Cost Accountant I/Payroll Manager
Period: Jun 2003 - Mar 2004 (9 months)

Prepared budgets and tracked expenses for library software integration projects. Analyzed monthly work in progress report for on-going projects. Reconciled several general ledger accounts and payroll issues that had not been actively reconciled for months prior to my employment. Supervised payroll preparation and submittal for both US and Canada entities. Calculated and filed sales tax returns for several states and was the primary contact during two state sales tax audits.

Title: Accountant
Period: Feb 1996 - Jun 2003 (7 years, 4 months)

Filed sales tax returns for 8 different states. Tracked payments to vendors and sent out the appropriate 1099s at the end of the year. Developed access database to track shipment of inventory and related royalties. Designed and implemented a database to sign-up participants and track revenue for an annual conference.

Company: USU
Title: Graduate Assistant
Period: Sep 1994 - Aug 1995 (11 months)

Tutored introductory financial and managerial accounting students, monitored tests, and assisted accounting instructor.

Tina Taylor Ockey's education
Master's degree
1994 - 1995
Bachelor's degree
1990 - 1994
Juab High School
1986 - 1990
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