Tobi Johnson MA CVA

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Location: Knoxville Metropolitan Area
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President and Founder
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:21 AM
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Tobi Johnson MA CVA is from Knoxville Metropolitan Area. Tobi is currently President and Founder at VolunteerPro. Tobi also works as Owner, President at Tobi Johnson & Associates, a job Tobi has held since Mar 2009.

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Tobi Johnson MA CVA's current jobs
Company: VolunteerPro
Title: President and Founder
Period: Mar 2015 - Present (9 years, 10 months)

VolunteerPro is an online learning and networking community to those interested in becoming more effective leaders of volunteer talent. We offer carefully curated information in the form of live online learning events, multimedia tutorials, moderated discussion forums, and a database of proven and immediately-available plug-n-play tools. Community members also have access to a network of like-minded peers and expert mentors who offer compassionate support and are deeply committed to their success.

Company: Tobi Johnson & Associates
Title: Owner, President
Period: Mar 2009 - Present (15 years, 10 months)

I own an internationally recongized nonprofit management consulting firm that helps organizations improve performance and mobilize the power of volunteers to expand community impact. I work with community-based and governmental organizations to increase capacity and find thoughtful solutions to difficult challenges, including how to: • Conduct community needs analyses and volunteer program assessments • Perform risk assessments and develop mitigation plans that ensure safe, quality service • Develop volunteer recruitment plans to build an enthusiastic volunteer corps • Create systems and materials to train and support volunteer excellence • Implement strategic volunteer-led community outreach campaigns • Form meaningful partnerships that engage mission-aligned volunteers • Train staff and volunteers to better lead and manage change

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