Todd C Barnes

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Email: ****s@centralink.com
Location: Edmond, Oklahoma, United States
Current employer:
The Chazown Group, LLC
Current title:
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:17 AM
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Todd C Barnes is from Edmond, Oklahoma, United States. Todd is currently Owner at The Chazown Group, LLC.

Todd C Barnes's email is available on Finalscout.com free of charge. This database has a wealth of information on over half a billion business professionals and two hundred million companies.

Todd C Barnes's current jobs
Company: The Chazown Group, LLC
Title: Owner
Period: Apr 2010 - Present (14 years, 9 months)

The word VISION comes from the Hebrew word chazown (pronounced khaw- ZONE). Having a vision to better yourself and the community where you live and work is a value my family and I proudly believe in. In our body of work at The Chazown Group, LLC, we identify business opportunities that have the potential to better our community by providing products and services to enhance people's lives. I launch new companies, manage diverse organizations (property/real estate, as well as retail) and unite teams of amazing talent to achieve success. We continue to feel thankful for the gift of "entrepreneurial mindsets" that serve as our muse. Our dedication to the organizations we serve and the people we are honored to lead drives each step of our journey. Considering new possibilities inspires us to be the change we want to see in the world.

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