Todd Hattaway

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Email: ****
Location: Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States
Current employer:
ATOM Aerospace
Current title:
Co-Founder and Board Member
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:50 AM
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Todd Hattaway is from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States. Todd is currently Co-Founder and Board Member at ATOM Aerospace.

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Todd Hattaway's current jobs
Company: ATOM Aerospace
Title: Co-Founder and Board Member
Period: Jul 2017 - Present (7 years, 6 months)

At ATOM we provide technical operations services to business and general aviation, tailored to the 91 and small 135 operators and priced competitively. These technical operations services are similar to those provided by a typical large air carrier technical operations / maintenance & engineering department for its in-house fleet. We offer support to face the challenge for smaller operators in the cost of developing or buying into technology (software) that enables the flight and maintenance tracking, materials and technical records management, financial controls and more. Experts in areas of Fleet Management, CASS, Auditing, Procurement Services, AOG coordination, Planning, Forecasting, Program Management in a 24/7 environment designed to support or fully run an aviation departments maintenance program.

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Todd Hattaway
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