Todd Kramer

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Location: Norristown, Pennsylvania, United States
Current employer:
Todd Kramer - Secure Components
Current title:
CEO & Co-Founder
Last updated: 18/04/2024 11:42 AM
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Todd Kramer is from Norristown, Pennsylvania, United States. Todd is currently CEO & Co-Founder at Todd Kramer - Secure Components, located in Norristown, Pennsylvania, United States.

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Todd Kramer's current jobs
Company: Todd Kramer - Secure Components
Title: CEO & Co-Founder
Period: Jan 2008 - Present (17 years)
Location: Norristown, Pennsylvania, United States

As the CEO of Secure Components, part of my responsibilities is Quality Management Representative (QMR). I ensure our business and quality management system is implemented, maintained, and updated as new customer requirements are needed. This drives customer value as we meet the criteria set forth in Standards such as ISO9001:2008(Requirements of a Quality Management System, SAE AS9120A (Requirements for Aviation, Space and Defense Distributors) AS6081 (Counterfeit Avoidance Plan for Electronics), AS6174 (Counterfeit Avoidance Plan for Material), regardless of type, size, and product provided, JEDEC JESD31 (ESD Controls) and JESD625 (Handling ESD) standards. As QMR, I ensure that our business and quality practices and procedures conform to operate according to the requirements stated in our Quality Manual. I oversee management reviews, internal audits, goals and objectives, training, document control, corrective and preventive actions, and structure improvements related to customer requirements and resources that are needed. I serve as the liaison with external bodies such as Certification Bodies, customers or others that are interested in inquiring about our Business and Quality Management System, or our Counterfeit Avoidance Plan. To offer our customers a transparent vision into our organization including a fully certified "Counterfeit Avoidance System" we mitigate risk our customers rely on. As specialists in Emergency Sourcing Solutions for organizations such as NASA, Department of Defense, Defense Logistics Agency, Defense, and Aerospace contractors. We provide solutions for organizations when the authorized source cannot meet the demands of our customer. Our mission is to backstop your authorized sources, not to replace them. If you have a line down, shortage, obsolete part or an Aircraft on Ground (AOG), we will provide the solution, driven by customer value, authenticity and transparency.

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