Tom Cusick

Director Technology Infrastructure Services at Sidley Austin LLP
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LinkedIn: Tom Cusick
Location: Greater Chicago Area
Current employer: Sidley Austin LLP
Current title:
Director, Global Lead, Technology Infrastructure Services
Last updated: 21/05/2023 23:55 PM
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Tom Cusick is from Greater Chicago Area. Tom works in the following industries: "Information Technology and Services". Tom is currently Director, Global Lead, Technology Infrastructure Services at Sidley Austin LLP, located in Greater Chicago Area. In Tom's previous role as a VP, Global Lead, Project Management Office & PPM Platform at Publicis Groupe, Tom worked in Greater Chicago Area until Feb 2018. Prior to joining Publicis Groupe, Tom was a VP, Americas Lead, Enterprise Infrastructure Services at Publicis Groupe and held the position of VP, Americas Lead, Enterprise Infrastructure Services at Greater Chicago Area. Prior to that, Tom was a Director, Americas Lead, Technology Integration Program at Publicis Groupe, based in Greater Chicago Area from Jun 2006 to Feb 2009. Tom started working as Enterprise Solution Architect at Hewlett Packard Enterprise in Greater Chicago Area in Sep 2002. From Dec 1996 to Sep 2002, Tom was Enterprise Consulting Services at Hewlett Packard Enterprise, based in Greater Chicago Area. Prior to that, Tom was a Senior Consultant at Arthur Andersen, based in Greater Chicago Area from Jun 1995 to Dec 1996. Tom started working as Consultant at Arthur Andersen in Greater Chicago Area in Jun 1993.

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Tom Cusick's current jobs
Title: Director, Global Lead, Technology Infrastructure Services
Period: Apr 2018 - Present (6 years, 8 months)
Location: Greater Chicago Area
Tom Cusick's past jobs
Company: Publicis Groupe
Title: VP, Global Lead, Project Management Office & PPM Platform
Period: Feb 2017 - Feb 2018 (1 year)
Location: Greater Chicago Area
Company: Publicis Groupe
Title: VP, Americas Lead, Enterprise Infrastructure Services
Period: Feb 2009 - Feb 2017 (8 years)
Location: Greater Chicago Area
Company: Publicis Groupe
Title: Director, Americas Lead, Technology Integration Program
Period: Jun 2006 - Feb 2009 (2 years, 8 months)
Location: Greater Chicago Area
Title: Enterprise Solution Architect
Period: Sep 2002 - Jun 2006 (3 years, 9 months)
Location: Greater Chicago Area
Title: Enterprise Consulting Services
Period: Dec 1996 - Sep 2002 (5 years, 9 months)
Location: Greater Chicago Area
Company: Arthur Andersen
Title: Senior Consultant
Period: Jun 1995 - Dec 1996 (1 year, 6 months)
Location: Greater Chicago Area
Company: Arthur Andersen
Title: Consultant
Period: Jun 1993 - Jun 1995 (2 years)
Location: Greater Chicago Area
Company: Reed Smith LLP
Title: Technology Support Manager
Period: Apr 1991 - Jun 1993 (2 years, 2 months)
Location: Greater Chicago Area
Title: Jr. Legislative Assistant to Senator Paul Simon (IL)
Period: May 1990 - Aug 1990 (3 months)
Location: Washington D.C. Metro Area
Tom Cusick's education
Bachelor’s Degree
1986 - 1990
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