Tom Holland

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Location: Hong Kong SAR
Current employer:
Development Finance Asia
Current title:
Founder/ Managing Partner
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:46 AM
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Tom Holland is from Hong Kong SAR. Tom is currently Founder/ Managing Partner at Development Finance Asia, located in Hong Kong SAR. In Tom's previous role as a Senior Investment Manager at Income Partners Asset Management, Tom worked in until Apr 2006.

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Tom Holland's current jobs
Company: Development Finance Asia
Title: Founder/ Managing Partner
Period: Aug 2014 - Present (10 years, 5 months)
Location: Hong Kong SAR

Asia boutique focused on platform building in financial services, logistics and real estate in emerging Asia. Acted as consultant for ADM Capital (sat on Asia IC & Exco as consultant). Activities include: - Hong Kong Green Finance Association ESG and private equity working groups. - Working to build platforms in energy efficiency and nature based solutions in Southeast Asia. - Co-founder/NED, R2O, a leading Myanmar financial inclusion platform (HR/comp committee). - NED, APU, the largest Mongolian Stock Exchange listed company & leading FMCG platform. Sit on Board with Heineken (also a shareholder). - NED Mongolia logistics firm, alongside the European Bank of Reconstruction & Development, restructured this leading Mongolia logisitics platform. - INED Aseana Properties, a LSE listed company focused on Vietnam healthcare and Malaysia real estate (audit committee). - Investments & consulting roles for large private equity/debt funds, investors and SME in Vietnam, Bangladesh, Mongolia, HK and Philippines (mobility, Women and migrant worker focused microfinance, urbanisation). - Advisor for Crucial Capital, an Impact Fund focused on carbon footprint reduction and for Pilotx, a Vietnam venture capital platform.

Tom Holland's past jobs
Company: Income Partners Asset Management
Title: Senior Investment Manager
Period: Apr 2002 - Apr 2006 (4 years)
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