Tre Ona P

Procurement Specialist experienced in strategic planning, program evaluation, cost analysis, budget management and raising the bar on quality and customer satisfaction!
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LinkedIn: TreOna P.
Location: Los Angeles, California, United States
Current employer: VinFast US
Current title:
Procurement Specialist
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:41 AM
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Tre Ona P is from Los Angeles, California, United States. TreOna works in the following industries: "Motor Vehicle Manufacturing". TreOna is currently Procurement Specialist at VinFast US, located in Los Angeles, California, United States. In TreOna's previous role as a Supply Chain Manager at PepsiCo, TreOna worked in until Apr 2022. Prior to joining PepsiCo, TreOna was a Human Resources Staffing Coordinator at PepsiCo and held the position of Human Resources Staffing Coordinator. Prior to that, TreOna was a Resident Advisor at University of California, Riverside, based in Riverside from Jun 2019 to Jun 2020. TreOna started working as Supply Chain Intern at PepsiCo in Rancho Cucamonga in Jun 2019. From Jul 2015 to Feb 2016, TreOna was Sales Associate at RadioShack, based in Los Angeles.

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Tre Ona P's current jobs
Company: VinFast US
Title: Procurement Specialist
Period: Apr 2022 - Present (2 years, 9 months)
Location: Los Angeles, California, United States
Tre Ona P's past jobs
Company: PepsiCo
Title: Supply Chain Manager
Period: Jun 2020 - Apr 2022 (1 year, 10 months)

Leads teams in a collaborative, manufacturing plant to achieve KPI goals, reduce raw material waste, eliminate packaging waste, and maintain or exceed quality expectations on 9 production lines and 57 packaging lines. Showcased cross functionality and worked complex assignments. -led 35 team members in a fast paced environment to drive results and hit target business proposals for Sales counterparts -conducted daily report out on performance with various department managers: Packaging, Processing, Receiving, and Warehouse -utilized data analysis to improve efficiencies for production lines -compiled, distributed, and reviewed internal financial and performance reports daily

Company: PepsiCo
Title: Human Resources Staffing Coordinator
Period: Jun 2020 - Dec 2020 (6 months)

Adhered to HR and organizational policies while conducting COVID intakes, internal traces, escalations, and wellness checks Created expedited trainings to reduce overtime Supported HR business needs for a 24/7 operation with over 900 employees Safeguarded plant to CDC and CAL OSHA guidelines Managed COVID payout and kept records of exhausted accounts

Company: University of California, Riverside
Title: Resident Advisor
Period: Jun 2019 - Jun 2020 (1 year)
Location: Riverside

-Contributed to the development and growth of residents -Demonstrated the ability to work independently as well as effectively on a team -Initiated a variety of programs and activities throughout the year for the assigned hall and building -Worked in collaboration with multiple Resident Advisors of various ethnic backgrounds to showcase diversity and inclusion and create a safe place for residents to interact with different ideas of thinking -Facilitated a positive environment for resident interaction and resident involvement in the hall community and campus -Managed a quarterly budget to inspire resident engagement with prizes and contests -Cultivated a safe space for all participants to share thoughts and ideas freely by building rapport with residents -Enforced policies and procedures and accepted the general responsibility for the hall, building property, and the student’s general well being -Documented incidents, recorded pertinent information using proper channels, and reported to supervisors immediately

Company: PepsiCo
Title: Supply Chain Intern
Period: Jun 2019 - Aug 2019 (2 months)
Location: Rancho Cucamonga

Successfully outlined productivity costs and reduced operational costs by $10,000 per period using HQ approved contracts and leveraging SMEs Improved indirect spend accounts by maximizing vendor benefits, managing parts inventory, and implementing procurement standard operating procedures

Company: RadioShack
Title: Sales Associate
Period: Jul 2015 - Feb 2016 (7 months)
Location: Los Angeles

-Delegated daily duties to four associates and handled operational procedures in manager's absence -Balanced cash drawer of over $600, stocked merchandise, performed visual merchandising and audits for loss prevention -Educated customers with product knowledge and recommended products and services based on their needs -Met or exceeded monthly sales goals

Tre Ona P's education
University of California, Riverside
Bachelors of Arts
2018 - 2020
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