Trina Hatfield Wilson

Buyer at Old Time Pottery, LLC
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LinkedIn: Trina Wilson
Location: United States Tennessee Murfreesboro
Current employer: Old Time Pottery, LLC
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Last updated: 22/05/2024 03:42 AM
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Trina Hatfield Wilson is from United States Tennessee Murfreesboro. Trina Hatfield is currently Buyer at Old Time Pottery, LLC. Trina Hatfield also works as Product Manager at Gander Mountain, a job Trina Hatfield has held since Jan 2012. Another title Trina Hatfield currently holds is Category Manager/Buyer - Sporting Goods & Toys at Pamida.

You can find Trina Hatfield Wilson's email at FinalScout is a professional database with business professional profiles and company profiles.

Trina Hatfield Wilson's current jobs
Title: Buyer
Period: Jan 2017 - Present (8 years)
Company: Gander Mountain
Title: Product Manager
Period: Jan 2012 - Present (13 years)
Company: Pamida
Title: Category Manager/Buyer - Sporting Goods & Toys
Period: Jan 2008 - Present (17 years)
Company: The Great Indoors
Title: Buyer/Category Manager - Broadloom Carpeting, Area Rugs, Hardsurfaces and Mattresses
Period: Jan 2001 - Present (24 years)
Company: Jerry's Home Improvement Center
Title: Buyer/Category Manager - Paint, Flooring and Lighting
Period: Jan 1998 - Present (27 years)
Company: Payless Cashways
Title: Merchandise Manager/Category Manager/Buyer - Lawn&Garden and Hardware
Period: Jan 1986 - Present (39 years)
Trina Hatfield Wilson's top skills
Demand Planning Contract Negotiation
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