Tullia Caballero Augi

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Email: ****i@s-cape.es
Location: Florence, Tuscany, Italy
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Current title:
CEO and partner
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:32 AM
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Tullia Caballero Augi is from Florence, Tuscany, Italy. Tullia Caballero is currently CEO and partner at SloWays , located in Florence, Tuscany, Italy. Tullia Caballero also works as CEO / Founder at S-Cape Travel Italia Vacanze a piedi e in bici per tutti, a job Tullia Caballero has held since Jul 2002.

Tullia Caballero Augi can be found on Finalscout.com, where members can access Tullia Caballero Augi's email for free. Finalscout is a professional database with more than 500 million business professional profiles and 200 million company profiles.

Tullia Caballero Augi's current jobs
Company: SloWays
Title: CEO and partner
Period: Jan 2017 - Present (8 years)
Location: Florence, Tuscany, Italy
Title: CEO / Founder
Period: Jul 2002 - Present (22 years, 6 months)
Location: Florence, Tuscany, Italy

S-Cape Travel is a European travel operator specialised in walking, hiking and cycling as well as cultural immersion and family tours in France, Italy, and Spain. Our tours include gourmet food, hand picked accommodation and destinations of great beauty as infused in art and history. We organise family holidays to fascinating destinations such as the Picos de Europa, AndalucĂ­a, Sierra de Gredos, Spain's Green Coast and more. Join us for a holiday with the kids.

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