Tung Nguyen Thanh

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Location: Vietnam
Current title:
Chairman and General Director
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:20 AM
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Tung Nguyen Thanh is from Vietnam. Tung Nguyen is currently Chairman and General Director at SKY LINK JOINT STOCK COMPANY, located in Hanoi, Hanoi, Vietnam.

Tung Nguyen Thanh's contact information is available for free on, a web-based professional networking database with more than 500 million business contacts and 200 million company profiles.

Tung Nguyen Thanh's current jobs
Title: Chairman and General Director
Period: Apr 2010 - Present (14 years, 9 months)
Location: Hanoi, Hanoi, Vietnam

up to Sept, 2020; - Gaw NP Factories industrial zone_ Thai Nguyen province - DH Logistic property- Dong Nai province - Barret Beer Factory project- Hung Yen - MVG Chemical Logistic Distribution- Hai Phong - Mondelez Vietnam Food Factory _ Binh Duong - Logis Valley Dong Nai- Dong Nai province - BW Industrials: My Phuoc IZ, Bau Bang IZ - BW Shopee Logistic - Cu Chi Province - Sembcorp Logistic- Hai Phong Province - Foseca Freezer Logistic- VSIP Bac Ninh - CPV Food- Binh Phuoc - UNIBEN Phase 2- Vsip Binh Duong - ABB Hanoi- High speed door - Marubeni Vung Tau Factory project - DeepC Phase 4 and VIDIFI K4,K5- Dinh Vu Hai Phong - CocaCola Hanoi and Cambodia extension Dec of 2018: Sky Link supplied Doors and Docking system to - Logis Valley logistic center- Yen Phong IZ, Bac Ninh province - FM Bac Ninh project- VSIP BAc Ninh - ITL Song Than 1 project- Song Than 1 IZ, Binh Duong province - HD Logistic Center- Dong Nai province - VIDIFI Logistic Warehouse K2 &K3 - Uniben Binh Duong factory project- Vsip 2A iz, Binh Duong province - DenEast Sort Milk factory - Vsip 2A IZ, Binh Duong province - FOTL Factory- Thanh Hoa province - Neovia Ha Nam factory- Dong Van IZ, Ha Nam province - Web Pro Factory project- Dong Nai province June, 2018: SkyLink are contractor for Doors & Docking system in Shaeffler Vietnam factory project and TTG Villa (Garages door) Feb, 2018 - Sky Link supplied Doors and Docking system to Tetra Pak Binh Duong project, TATA cafe factory project, Accerdo Asia Packagging project, Ansell Factory project and TBS Logistic warehouse June, 2017 - Sky Link supplied Garage door to Vinhom Riverside 2 Villas. - Sky Link is MEP contractor for Sika phase 2, sub contractor of TLC - VIFON Food factory project, Lotte Freezer logistic; Pan Food factory project; Medochemie Warehouse:

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