Una Mc Gurk Hill

CEO & Founder at Seoulista Beauty
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Email: ****a@seoulistabeauty.com
LinkedIn: Una McGurk-Hill
Location: United Kingdom
Current employer:
Seoulista Beauty
Current title:
CEO & Founder
Last updated: 28/09/2023 14:14 PM
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Una Mc Gurk Hill is from United Kingdom. Una is currently CEO & Founder at Seoulista Beauty, located in South Lambeth, England, United Kingdom.

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Una Mc Gurk Hill's current jobs
Company: Seoulista Beauty
Title: CEO & Founder
Period: Jan 2016 - Present (9 years)
Location: South Lambeth, England, United Kingdom

Brands : Seoulista Beauty® Revive Express® After 12 years in the luxury spa and beauty market with the Revive Medico Group, I found myself fascinated with the advances offered by k-beauty and decided to curate a range of fast acting, results based skincare products. After 18 months of research and development, we launched Seoulista Beauty® in July 2017. Seoulista Beauty® is an exciting K-beauty skincare brand that fuses Authentic Korean skincare innovation with European positioning and aesthetics. The response to the brand from press, influencers and consumers alike has been very strong. Having now launched into Europe & USA we are actively pursuing opportunities to work with innovative Asian partners and leading distributors in Europe. As CEO, my particular areas of focus are: - Providing the innovation and product expertise behind our growing range of salon quality skincare. - Expanding our manufacturing capabilities in Korea; discovering and evaluating the latest skincare technologies and trends, curating a range true to its "no fuss, no drama" ethos. - Strategically developing routes to market brand development programmes & leading new product development

Una Mc Gurk Hill's education
The University of Stirling
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