Valery Jimonet

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Email: ****t@ecospace.fr
Location: Dieppe, Normandy, France
Current employer:
Normandy EcoSpace
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Last updated: 05/06/2024 16:20 PM
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Valery Jimonet is from Dieppe, Normandy, France. Valery is currently CEO at Normandy EcoSpace, located in Martigny, Normandy, France. Valery also works as CEO JV.Conseils at JV.CONSEILS, a job Valery has held since May 2003. In Valery's previous role as a PDG at OZELO, Valery worked in until Jan 2012. Prior to joining OZELO, Valery was a PDG at SATELLIS and held the position of PDG.

You can find Valery Jimonet's email at finalscout.com. FinalScout is a professional database with business professional profiles and company profiles.

Valery Jimonet's current jobs
Company: Normandy EcoSpace
Title: CEO
Period: Oct 2018 - Present (6 years, 3 months)
Location: Martigny, Normandy, France

Innovation et numérique dans la région Normandie sont les sujets de Normandy EcoSpace. NES est un bureau d'étude équipé d'un parc de matériel 3D... Scanner, une ferme d'impression 3D de 150 machines, un parc de 10 machines grand Volume et....... des hommes... Programmes de formations, d'acculturation au numérique, un lieu unique et de qualité permettant à tous les jeunes talents de venir s'exprimer et bâtir des projets ambitieux et innovants

Title: CEO JV.Conseils
Period: May 2003 - Present (21 years, 8 months)

Holding - conseils en développement et en transition numérique spécialiste du retournement

Valery Jimonet's past jobs
Company: OZELO
Title: PDG
Period: Jan 2006 - Jan 2012 (6 years)
Title: PDG
Period: Jan 1992 - Jan 2000 (8 years)
Other people named Valery Jimonet
Valéry Jimonet
Valery Jimonet
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