Varughese Abraham

Vice President, Marketing, Clinical & Hospital Division at Biom Pharmaceuticals
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LinkedIn: Varughese Abraham
Location: Sarasota, Florida, United States
Current employer: Biom Pharmaceuticals
Current title:
Vice President, Clinical And Hospital Marketing
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:34 AM
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Varughese Abraham is from Sarasota, Florida, United States. Varughese works in the following industries: "Hospital & Health Care", "Biotechnology", and "Pharmaceuticals". Varughese is currently Vice President, Clinical And Hospital Marketing at Biom Pharmaceuticals. In Varughese's previous role as a Territory Manager at Abbott Laboratories, Varughese worked in USA until Jan 2015. Prior to joining Abbott Laboratories, Varughese was a Territory Business Manager at Bristol Myers Squibb and held the position of Territory Business Manager at Abbott Park, Illinois.

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Varughese Abraham's current jobs
Title: Vice President, Clinical And Hospital Marketing
Period: Mar 2018 - Present (6 years, 9 months)
Varughese Abraham's past jobs
Title: Territory Manager
Period: Jan 2002 - Jan 2015 (13 years)
Location: USA
Company: Bristol Myers Squibb
Title: Territory Business Manager
Period: Feb 1995 - Jul 2002 (7 years, 5 months)
Location: Abbott Park, Illinois
Varughese Abraham's top skills
Endocrinology Psychiatry Pediatrics Dermatology Rheumatology Consultative Selling Anti-infectives Antibiotics Territory Cardiology Pharmaceuticals Internal Medicine Neurology Pharmaceutical Sales Pulmonology Diabetes Sales Representatives Product Launch ENT Pain Management
Varughese Abraham's Colleagues
Heidy Gutierrez
Production Manager
Sarasota, Florida, United States
Varughese Abraham has 1 colleagues in total at Biom Pharmaceuticals. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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