Vijay Vaswani

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Email: ****y@cbponline.org
Location: Washington, District of Columbia, United States
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Current title:
CEO & Founder
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:20 AM
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Vijay Vaswani is from Washington, District of Columbia, United States. Vijay is currently CEO & Founder at PVNN Inc., located in Los Angeles, California, United States.

Vijay Vaswani's contact information is available for free on finalscout.com, a web-based professional networking database with more than 500 million business contacts and 200 million company profiles.

Vijay Vaswani's current jobs
Company: PVNN Inc.
Title: CEO & Founder
Period: Dec 2012 - Present (12 years, 1 month)
Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

PVNN Inc. is a 501(C)3 nonprofit digital news network that seeks to inform, inspire, and impact social change. Working with young leaders of all professions - People in IT on Cybersecurity, Nurses and Therapists on Health Care & Mental Health, etc. - we provide a platform for society's best to create policy solutions for our diverse communities. Granting them internships and scholarship opportunities, we also seek to find, select, and develop the leaders for tomorrow. Learn more at www.pvnn.org My responsibilities are to: ➢ Set and manage the overall vision and digital strategy for the company ➢ Collaborate with universities, and other educational institutions, as well as businesses/owners, and governmental officials to build our scholarship fund and internship program to showcase young scholars of different backgrounds and ideologies ➢ Select and work with young leaders across state lines and political parties to shed light on all social, fiscal, and foreign policies ➢ Oversee the publication arm known as Policy Corner, and work with the Editor to ensure articles and writers discuss the pertinent issues affecting Americans worldwide ➢ Lead and manage the Social Media team to ensure posts are visually and contextually informative and engage with the diverse communities in the US as well as around the world ➢ Work with different networks and the press to obtain and conduct research and interviews for the 2020 Presidential Election(s)

Vijay Vaswani's Colleagues
Christopher Armstrong
Freelance Writer
Vijay Vaswani has 1 colleagues in total at PVNN Inc.. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
Other people named Vijay Vaswani
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Co-Founder & CEO
Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Vijay Vaswani
Atlanta, Georgia, United States
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