Vijayaraghavan Chariar

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Location: Delhi, India
Current employer: JoyIsYou
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:03 AM
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Vijayaraghavan Chariar is from Delhi, India. Vijayaraghavan is currently Founder at JoyIsYou, located in Delhi, India.

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Vijayaraghavan Chariar's current jobs
Company: JoyIsYou
Title: Founder
Period: Jan 2018 - Present (7 years)
Location: Delhi, India

Based on the support and facilitation we offered to hundreds of IITD students over the last 12 years, together with Co-Founders Aishwarya Vardhan Chaturvedi (IITD BTech Alumnus 2013), Uttam Banerjee (IITD MDes Alumnus 2009) and Partha Pratim Das (IITD, Design, 2017) we are happy to have launch an initiative in the Wellness Space #JoyIsYou. This is being done in beta mode as an initiative of Ekam Eco Solutions. The intention of #JoyIsYou is to enable young people to experience Self-Discovery, Fulfilment and Integration at the level of Being. The primary modes of engagement at #JoyIsYou would be through Experiential Retreats (JoyShops), repository of short videos (JoyFlix) and publications (JoyBooks). We have formally begun offering flexible format JoyShops since November 2017. These are offered as Experiential Dialogues to small groups of individuals (max size 10) as well as to corporate institutions. Going forward #JoyIsYou also proposes to use some technology (apps, AR, VR) to reach out to more and more joyous beings ! We propose to incubate this entity through Technology Business Incubator at IIT Delhi.

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