Vikash Das

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
Current employer: World Economic Forum
Current title:
Global Shaper | Hub Vice-Curator | Board Member
Last updated: 26/05/2023 15:45 PM
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Vikash Das is from Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India. Vikash is currently Global Shaper | Hub Vice-Curator | Board Member at World Economic Forum, located in Cologny, Geneva, Switzerland.

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Vikash Das's current jobs
Title: Global Shaper | Hub Vice-Curator | Board Member
Period: May 2017 - Present (7 years, 8 months)
Location: Cologny, Geneva, Switzerland

The Global Shapers, is an exclusive community by the World Economic Forum, of exceptional youth with extraordinary achievements, who work together to find fresh solutions to the world's most pressing challenges. It is a network of hubs around the world developed and led by dynamic, entrepreneurial and socially-engaged young leaders from across the world. After a thorough selection process, Global Shapers are selected on the basis of their achievements, leadership potential, and commitment to make a difference. In my role as the Vice Curator of the Global Shapers Bhubaneswar Hub I aim to co-facilitate team members that are united in the hub by shared values, collaboration and decision-making. The goal is to have an impact in our local community through projects and positive change. Role highlights: Manager; Project lead; Stake-holder management; Strategy and insights; Deep experience in capacity building • Strategic planning workshops including internal cross-functional communications. • Qualitative research including in-depth interview (IDI) and focus group methodologies. • Contribute to hub's marketing and business development. • Developed capacity-building and training series for changemakers community on how to effect change at policy level

Vikash Das's Colleagues
Petrus Ignis
Przodownik prasy
Cologny, Geneva, Switzerland
Lonnie McRorey
Cologny, Geneva, Switzerland
Matan-Paul Shetrit
Member, San Francisco Hub of the Global Shapers Community
Cologny, Geneva, Switzerland
Yaroslav Azhnyuk
Global Shaper, Kyiv hub member
Cologny, Geneva, Switzerland
Mostafa Amin
Global Shaper
Cologny, Geneva, Switzerland
Vikash Das has 3.5K+ colleagues in total at World Economic Forum. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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