Vincent Gay
Vincent Gay is from Greater Marseille Metropolitan Area. Vincent is currently Co-Founder at SYNCHRONICITY SCIC. Vincent also works as Associate : Governance of Regulated Projects, Economy of Cooperative & Digital Functionality at EFFECTIVE YELLOW software solutions + expert advice, a job Vincent has held since Nov 2018. Another title Vincent currently holds is Cofounder & CTO @ MOBEN&ROOSTER at MOBEN&ROOSTER.
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Vincent Gay's current jobs
The Collectif Synchronicity, the first platform of the circular economy which brings together the ecosystems Deposits (waste), Cyclo logistics, Food course/trade circuits and serviceable intelligences actors (AI EI HI CI), is a SAS in form of a cooperative society of collective interest (SCIC). As a complement and in its vocation of collective interest, this cooperative will be inserted in the local socio-economic activity by seeking in particular to : •Stimulate the mutualisation, technological and technical innovation of the means of delivery and mass collection on physical platforms and on the Web. •Promote the use of pragmatic and low-tech means associated with regulatory and economic requirements as well as ICT standards. •The use of open source software in the fields of circular economies, VSE/SMEs and in local authorities/governments, •Favour the emergence of "niche" solutions and the production of cutting-edge results in the field and on the Web in the local economic fabric, •Federate and animate communities of users and solution developers around these projects.
The software suite for visible, collaborative and successful governance >A predictive, proactive and reactive ecosystem: Adopt a transversal and global vision of the decision-making levers of your risks, opportunities and performance >Design the performance drivers of your ecosystem : Address regulatory requirements (QSSE, MASE, RSE, DD...) and projects in R&D and Innovation levers >Collective intelligence at the service of governance : Create, implement an organization and know-how to structure the governance of complex projects according to the requirements of your markets >A human, expert, tailor-made support by the Effective Yellow partners and their partners
Work sharing & initiatives accompaniments that enable organizations to prosper for the benefit of all & the future generations. Being force proposal in innovations opportunities & make feel the call of the new ecosystems made of actors who give the best of themselves in a mindfulness collective intelligence... Depuis 2016 nous assurons l’accompagnement stratégique global & personnalisé (Insight / Analytics) & les nouveaux modes d’organisation métiers qui ouvrent de nouvelles voies aux savoirs afin de multiplier les efficiences digitales, durables, fonctionnelles & collaboratives. De tous ces échanges hybrides, il ressort qu’expérience client, proactivités internes/externes & modèle économique efficient sont liées. Assembleur d’efficiences collaboratives hybrides pour des projets d’envergures pluridisciplinaires, nous intégrons l’intelligence collective, la simplification par le digitale, l’intelligence artificielle & les facteurs de durabilité, qui mixe expertise métier, apport du digital, épanouissement des clients & parties prenantes. Notre mission est d'aider nos clients dans l'appropriation d’enjeux métiers [IH] & technologiques utiles (IA, Entreprise du futur, IOT, Mobilité, BIM, blockchain,…). Nos clients disposent ainsi d’une offre exhaustive d’accompagnement en temps réel, sur des sujets concrets & pointus (EC/EFC, ACV, PLM, PDM,MOOC), qui révèlent & maximisent l'usage en apportant les données & pivots appropriées aux contextes. Ces leviers positifs (valeur d’usage, excellence opérationnelle, durabilité, rentabilité, intégrité, sécurité, créativité, émotion...) s’inscrivent dans un contexte vertueux où les aspects économiques, digitaux, sociétaux & environnementaux se répondent harmonieusement, pour créer une culture congruente, différenciatrice & plus responsable. Pour MOBEN&ROOSTER une expérience réussie signifie que l'expérience & la vie du client est améliorée, & qu'elle apporte des externalités qui vont au-delà des attentes...