Vishnu Bandekar

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Thane, Maharashtra, India
Current employer:
bluebrain technology india private limited
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:04 AM
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Vishnu Bandekar is from Thane, Maharashtra, India. Vishnu is currently Owner at bluebrain technology india private limited.

You can find Vishnu Bandekar's email address at finalscout.com. FinalScout is a free professional database with over five hundred million business professional profiles and over two hundred million company profiles.

Vishnu Bandekar's current jobs
Company: bluebrain technology india private limited
Title: Owner
Period: Mar 2011 - Present (13 years, 10 months)

TO DESIGN, SUPPLY, INSTALL AND PROVIDE NETBOOK, LAPTOPS, DESKTOPS, SERVERS, DIGITAL ENTERTAINMENT DEVICES, BIOMETRIC DEVICES, COMPUTER DEVICES, HARDWARE, NETWORKING PRODUCTS IN THE NAME OF “BLUEBRAIN”. Bluebrain Is A Concept That Defines And Epitomizes The Technology Of Tomorrow. It’s A Thought That Places Mind Over Matter, And Makes Matter Out Of Mind. Bluebrain Symbolizes Our Intense Drive And Consistent Efforts To Redefine The Present Day Technology, Transcend Its Trappings And Seamlessly Move Forward. It’s Our Aim To Make Computers That Think On Their Own, Analyze Things And Act On Rational Logic. Till We Reach There, We Make Sure That We Add A Few Bytes Of Intelligence To Our Systems Everyday. Bluebrain Will Provide You The Best That Technology Can Offer And Beyond. Large Storage Capacity, Powerful Memory And Fastest Processors Will Ensure That Your Computing Is Taken To Plane That You’ve Never Experienced Before. Our Belief Is That Technology Is For Everyone. So Pricing Is Kept As Low As Possible To Make Sure You Don’t Burn A Hole In Your Pocket While Buying Our Products

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