Vivian M Arthur

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Puerto Rico
Current employer: Vivian Arthur Consulting
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:21 AM
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Vivian M Arthur is from Puerto Rico. Vivian is currently Founder at Vivian Arthur Consulting, located in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

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Vivian M Arthur's current jobs
Title: Founder
Period: Jan 2019 - Present (6 years)
Location: San Juan, Puerto Rico

Vivian Arthur Consulting is a firm dedicated to providing solutions in Media, Community & Corporate Relations, Communications and Marketing Strategy, Corporate Social Responsibility, Brand Positioning, and much more. We also provide workshops and training programs focused on media training and our expertise in social innovation such as health, senior advocacy, and generational integrations. Some of our most current accomplishments are: • Successfully developed a social media and media tour strategy for Brave Summer Camp, increasing enrollment rates by over 150%. • Provided support to MCS Foundation as an integrated communications consultant developing an institutional campaign and media tour that obtained publicity of over $1M. 
 • Crisis management for top for-profit and nonprofit organizations.
 • A successful book and media tour, with the support of social media influencers and multiple TV and radio appearances.

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