Walid EL Hosary

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Cairo, Egypt
Current employer:
AGI Arabian Group for Investment
Current title:
Group Chief Executive Officer
Last updated: 26/05/2023 19:02 PM
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Walid EL Hosary is from Cairo, Egypt. Walid is currently Group Chief Executive Officer at AGI Arabian Group for Investment.

You can find Walid EL Hosary's email address at finalscout.com. FinalScout is a free professional database with over five hundred million business professional profiles and over two hundred million company profiles.

Walid EL Hosary's current jobs
Company: AGI Arabian Group for Investment
Title: Group Chief Executive Officer
Period: Jun 2019 - Present (5 years, 7 months)

• • Creating, communicating, and implementing the group's vision, mission, and overall direction • Leading the developments and implementation of the overall group's strategy • Formulating and implementing the strategic plan that guides the direction of the group business • Overseeing the complete operation of whole the group in accordance with the direction established in the strategic plans • Evaluating the success of the group in reaching its goals throughout the performance of each company and sector • managing the whole opportunities of the whole group for enhancing shareholder value • Representing the group as an official representative nationally and internationally The Arabian Group of Investments is a leading real estate holding group working in the Egyptian real estate market since 1984 and has many projects within the commercial sector, industrial sector and in the agricultural sector through many subsidiaries companies as follow: - Arabian company for development - Arabian company for real estate investment. - Arabian company for development& real estate investment.

Walid EL Hosary's Colleagues
rana gamal
Technical Office engineer
Nourhan Ibrahem
Technical Office Engineer
Ahmed Orabi
Senior Accountant
mo7amed helal
Sales Manager
Walid EL Hosary has 4 colleagues in total at AGI Arabian Group for Investment. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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