Wendy Mueller

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Email: ****r@lactalogics.com
Location: Greater Reno Area
Current employer:
USDR Investment Management
Current title:
Managing Director, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Compliance Officer
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:46 AM
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Wendy Mueller is from Greater Reno Area. Wendy is currently Managing Director, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Compliance Officer at USDR Investment Management. In Wendy's previous role as a Certified Public Accountant and Manager at William J. Crandall Chartered, Wendy worked in until Jan 2004.

You can find Wendy Mueller's email on finalScout.com. FinalScout is a popular professional database with more than 500 million business professionals and over 200 million company profiles.

Wendy Mueller's current jobs
Company: USDR Investment Management
Title: Managing Director, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Compliance Officer
Period: Jan 2008 - Present (17 years)

Leads vision, strategy, and execution for all facets of corporate finance and compliance at this registered investment advisor, with accountability for regulatory filings with the SEC and the State of Nevada, as well as submissions to tax authorities and investors. Serves on the Investment Committee. The firm specializes in bankruptcy investing and other restructuring situations. * Coordinates and leads investor communications, providing insight and updates to fund activities * Engages and oversees Big 4 (KPMG) or National Firm (BDO) in the preparation and issuance of annual financial audits and tax returns. * Maintains accountability for the compliance programs and all changes necessary to sustain adherence to state and federal legal and regulatory requirements. * Oversees the settlement of securities (public and private) and the receipt of funds in liquidating and re-org bankruptcies and the relating analysis of tax effects with reorganizations as provided in disclosure statements. * Appointed Agent of the Issuer for the State of Nevada for securities of USDR Funds; closed over $200M in committed capital since 2009.

Wendy Mueller's past jobs
Company: William J. Crandall Chartered
Title: Certified Public Accountant and Manager
Period: Jan 2001 - Jan 2004 (3 years)
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