Werner Hingerl

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Email: ****r@hingerl.at
Location: Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Current employer: Mitel
Current title:
Managing Director Mitel Austria&CSEE, Turkey&Israel | Director Enterprise Switzerland-Board Member
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:03 AM
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Werner Hingerl is from Vienna, Vienna, Austria. Werner is currently Managing Director Mitel Austria&CSEE, Turkey&Israel | Director Enterprise Switzerland-Board Member at Mitel, located in Kanata, Ontario, Canada.

You can find Werner Hingerl's email at finalscout.com. FinalScout is a professional database with business professional profiles and company profiles.

Werner Hingerl's current jobs
Company: Mitel
Title: Managing Director Mitel Austria&CSEE, Turkey&Israel | Director Enterprise Switzerland-Board Member
Period: Jul 2017 - Present (7 years, 6 months)
Location: Kanata, Ontario, Canada

At MITEL Austria GmbH, I perform multiple administrative and management tasks, such as development of planning and control systems, expansion of existing customer and supplier base, introduction of product and technology innovations, quality management, investment planning and strategic and people management. I oversee day to day functions in organisation and report to SVP International regarding any progress and escalations required within the organisation. I manage overall functionality of budget administration and forecasts, succession planning, and acquiring opportunities for growth in every local market of region. I prepare report on the effective implementation of marketing strategy/campaings to maintain market relevance and promote products and services for sales enhancement. I conduct research and implemented new initiatives to drive revenue, lower operating costs while maintaining quality products, and ensuring excellent customer support. Selected Contributions: ⇨ Involved in high growth strategies which consequences in $52M turnover by enterprise market in Switzerland. ⇨ Led the successful profit enhancement by 105% within first four quarter and YoY growth, 116% within second year and 5% YoY growth, 113% within third year along with 9% YoY growth, 103% in 2020 and 107% in 2021. ⇨ Contributed directly in change management and distribution approach; changed from T1 to T2 to attain designated targeted objectives. ⇨ Meet and exceed P&L targets particularly across Austria and Central South East Europe CSEE market and enterprise business in Switzerland. ⇨ Member of SLT (senior leader ship team).

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Werner Hingerl
Werner Hingerl
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