Whitney Johnson

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Email: ****y@outlier.org
Location: Seattle, Washington, United States
Current employer:
Stormfire Productions
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:28 AM
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Whitney Johnson is from Seattle, Washington, United States. Whitney is currently Producer at Stormfire Productions.

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Whitney Johnson's current jobs
Company: Stormfire Productions
Title: Producer
Period: Aug 2019 - Present (5 years, 5 months)

Stormfire Productions is a creative production company that seeks to produce high-quality fiction podcasts. We offer services that include consultation, developmental editing, marketing, production, and other aspects of full-spectrum storytelling, creating creative strategies with the latest industry tools to drive to client goals. Stormfire Productions seeks to ensure partners are paid a sustainable wage whenever possible, are involved in profit-sharing, and are part of a resilient, justice-oriented, and learning-supported production structure.

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