William Sandover

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Email: ****
Location: Greater Melbourne Area
Current employer:
Baza Capital
Current title:
Founder & Chief Investment Officer
Last updated: 19/09/2023 21:45 PM
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William Sandover is from Greater Melbourne Area. William is currently Founder & Chief Investment Officer at Baza Capital, located in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

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William Sandover's current jobs
Company: Baza Capital
Title: Founder & Chief Investment Officer
Period: Feb 2020 - Present (4 years, 11 months)
Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Baza Capital is a responsible fund manager focusing on ASX-listed equities that I founded in 2019 with business partner Brayden McCormack. Baza Capital looks to provide unitholders with exposure to the significant opportunity for heightened long-term returns through investing in future facing industries such as healthcare, education and electrification (including mining for relevant commodities). Baza Capital's sustainable approach to investing involves avoiding owning companies that generate social or environmental harm, while optimising for risk and return.

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