Willy Lee

Senior Fixed Income & FX trader at Schroder Investment Management ( Singapore ) Limited
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Email: ****e@schroders.com
LinkedIn: Willy LEE
Location: Singapore
Current employer:
Schroder investment Management ( Singapore ) Limited
Current title:
Fixed Income & FX trader
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:01 AM
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Willy Lee is from Singapore. Willy works in the following industries: "Investment Management". Willy is currently Fixed Income & FX trader at Schroder investment Management ( Singapore ) Limited, located in Singapore. In Willy's previous role as a Proprietary Trader at Schroder Asia, Willy worked in Hong Kong until Mar 2003.

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Willy Lee's current jobs
Company: Schroder investment Management ( Singapore ) Limited
Title: Fixed Income & FX trader
Period: Apr 2003 - Present (21 years, 9 months)
Location: Singapore

Buy-side trader FX ( spots + forwards + currency swaps + NDFs + options ) Fixed Income ( G7 bonds + Asian credits IG & HY + SGD bonds + CNH bonds + onshore CNY bonds through RQFII + asian local rates + convertible bonds + EM bonds ) Derivatives ( IRS + FRA + TRS + CDS + CDX + bond futures + bond futures options + CCS )

Willy Lee's past jobs
Company: Schroder Asia
Title: Proprietary Trader
Period: Jul 1994 - Mar 2003 (8 years, 8 months)
Location: Hong Kong

Started from treasury FX & MM trainee and then market maker of FX + MM + HK Govt bond & bills market in Schroder Asia ( former investment banking arm ). Head of night shift and prop trading in FX ( spot and options ) , interest rate derivatives ( IRS + FRA + bond futures + eurodollar futures )

Willy Lee's education
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Master's degree
2002 - 2003
The University of Hong Kong
Postgraduate Diploma
2001 - 2002
The University of Hong Kong
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
1991 - 1994
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