Wilson G

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Email: ****g@wilsongrabill.com
Location: San Diego Metropolitan Area
Current employer: Wilson Grabill LLC
Current title:
Communications Strategist and Writer
Last updated: 28/05/2024 03:14 AM
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Wilson G is from San Diego Metropolitan Area. Wilson is currently Communications Strategist and Writer at Wilson Grabill LLC, located in San Diego, California, United States.

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Wilson G's current jobs
Title: Communications Strategist and Writer
Period: Jan 2009 - Present (16 years)
Location: San Diego, California, United States

• Work closely with clients to develop effective communication strategies to reinforce and integrate key messaging across their organization. • Write and edit materials to support comms strategies, including executive speeches and talking points, op-eds, blogs, web and publications copy, and scripts. • Develop, write and edit content for high-profile Annual, ESG, Corporate Responsibility, and Diversity & Inclusion reports. • Develop, write and edit internal communications materials, including merger/acquisition and integration communications. • Current and former clients include XPO, Hill & Knowlton, Waldinger Creative, University of Southern California, Anthem Blue Cross, DuPont, Illumina, McKesson, Pfizer and Amgen.

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