Wyatt D Chapman

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Email: ****t@veraviafit.com
Location: Carlsbad, California, United States
Current employer:
VeraVia Integrative Wellness Retreat
Current title:
Founder and CEO
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:46 AM
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Wyatt D Chapman is from Carlsbad, California, United States. Wyatt is currently Founder and CEO at VeraVia Integrative Wellness Retreat, located in Carlsbad, California, United States.

Wyatt D Chapman can be found on Finalscout.com, where members can access Wyatt D Chapman's email for free. Finalscout is a professional database with more than 500 million business professional profiles and 200 million company profiles.

Wyatt D Chapman's current jobs
Company: VeraVia Integrative Wellness Retreat
Title: Founder and CEO
Period: Jan 2013 - Present (12 years)
Location: Carlsbad, California, United States

***Named a Top Five Destination for Mind-Body Rejuvenation by The Wall Street Journal*** VeraVia is the only immersive health & wellness retreat of its kind - Offering a comprehensive integrative, all-inclusive approach to health + weight management + lifestyle wellness + stress management with a focus on creating lasting sustainable behavior and lifestyle change. VeraVia's retreat is located in the world-renowned "Forbes 5 Star" and "AAA 5-Diamond Rated" Park Hyatt Aviara Golf Resort and Spa in Carlsbad, CA. We design customized wellness programs for guests ranging from 3 days, 1, 2, 3, and 4 weeks or longer. VeraVia - “Your True Path to wellness”: A fully integrated and cutting-edge, scientific evidence-based program designed for long-term results, integrating health & fitness, nutrition, naturopathic and functional medicine, the latest in neuroscience, science of behavioral change, and lifestyle wellness components. Our individually customized programs are designed to be a comprehensive experience to treat the entire person, Body-Mind-Spirit, blending Western + Eastern philosophies. Our doctor designed & supervised wellness program is designed as a highly structured combination of medical and fitness analysis, with both individual and group daily exercise, nutritional education, psychological and behavioral coaching, stress management, lifestyle wellness workshops, and spiritual rejuvenation. Our comprehensive Team is comprised of the industries leading professionals in their respective fields, including Naturopathic Doctors, Functional Medical Doctors, Exercise Physiologists and Certified Personal Trainers, Nutritionists, Psychologists specializing in Behavioral Science, Mind-Body Specialists, Lifestyle Wellness Coaches, as well as a network of alternative holistic medical professionals. This diverse and experienced team combines their extensive experience in treating all aspects of a persons health.

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