Xavier Gavalda Carbonell

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Email: ****o@fandimsum.com
Location: 巴塞罗那地区
Current employer: HOGAR MYCTEX, SL
Current title:
CEO & Shareholder
Last updated: 21/05/2023 23:47 PM
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Xavier Gavalda Carbonell is from 巴塞罗那地区. Xavier Gavalda works in the following industries: "餐饮服务", "机械", and "纺织". Xavier Gavalda is currently CEO & Shareholder at HOGAR MYCTEX, SL, located in Avinguda del Riu Mogent, 14 Montornès del Vallès. Xavier Gavalda also works as Co-Founder at Fan Dim Sum, a job Xavier Gavalda has held since Oct 2018. Another title Xavier Gavalda currently holds is Co-Founder and Shareholder at EuroAsia Trading 2016, SL. In Xavier Gavalda's previous role as a Director at HOGAR MYCTEX, SL, Xavier Gavalda worked in Carrer Ali Bei, 7-9 Barcelona until Mar 2019. Prior to joining HOGAR MYCTEX, SL, Xavier Gavalda was a Brand Manager at Marin y Carbonell SL and held the position of Brand Manager at Barcelona, Cataluña / Catalunya, España. Prior to that, Xavier Gavalda was a Export department at CPI SL from Sep 2008 to Jul 2009. Xavier Gavalda started working as Marketing department intern at Nordson Corporation in Sep 2007.

Xavier Gavalda Carbonell can be found on Finalscout.com, where members can access Xavier Gavalda Carbonell's email for free. Finalscout is a professional database with more than 500 million business professional profiles and 200 million company profiles.

Xavier Gavalda Carbonell's current jobs
Title: CEO & Shareholder
Period: Mar 2019 - Present (5 years, 10 months)
Location: Avinguda del Riu Mogent, 14 Montornès del Vallès
Company: Fan Dim Sum
Title: Co-Founder
Period: Oct 2018 - Present (6 years, 3 months)
Location: Laforja, 128 Barcelona


Company: EuroAsia Trading 2016, SL
Title: Co-Founder and Shareholder
Period: Apr 2016 - Present (8 years, 9 months)
Location: Barcelona
Xavier Gavalda Carbonell's past jobs
Title: Director
Period: Jan 2016 - Mar 2019 (3 years, 2 months)
Location: Carrer Ali Bei, 7-9 Barcelona

Design and Manufacture household linens products. Under the brand MYC HOME LINENS Diseño y Manufactura de productos textil hogar. Bajo la marca MYC HOME LINENS

Company: Marin y Carbonell SL
Title: Brand Manager
Period: Sep 2009 - Dec 2015 (6 years, 3 months)
Location: Barcelona, Cataluña / Catalunya, España
Company: CPI SL
Title: Export department
Period: Sep 2008 - Jul 2009 (10 months)

Work as a connection from spanish CPI Co. and CPI China office located in CiXi (China). Go to china auditing new providers and control china CPI Office.

Company: Nordson Corporation
Title: Marketing department intern
Period: Sep 2007 - Jul 2008 (10 months)
Xavier Gavalda Carbonell's education
Escola Sant Ignasi
1991 - 2003
Grau Superior de Comerç Internacional - UPF
2004 - 2008
Xavier Gavalda Carbonell's top skills
Export Sales Management Negotiation Teamwork Marketing Strategy English Management Textiles International Trade Business Planning Strategic Planning Strategy Team Leadership Team Building Sales Business Strategy Social Media Marketing Business Development Start-ups
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