Yara Walleska Castillo Sanchez

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Email: ****z@aulablanca.com
Location: El Astillero, Cantabria, Spain
Current employer: AULA BLANCA S.L.
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:49 AM
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Yara Walleska Castillo Sanchez is from El Astillero, Cantabria, Spain. Yara Walleska Castillo is currently CEO at AULA BLANCA S.L., located in Santander, Cantabria, Spain.

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Yara Walleska Castillo Sanchez's current jobs
Title: CEO
Period: Aug 2009 - Present (15 years, 5 months)
Location: Santander, Cantabria, Spain

In 2D, 3D model and digital Management software (AutoCAD – 3Ds Max – Revit – Photoshop – Model –Projects Theories). Lecturer in validation of training courses from Cantabria government and employment services delegation. Duties:  Responsible for the operation of the business.  Ensuring office procedures and systems operate efficiently.  Supporting classroom management and assisting with general administration.  Delegating work duties to individual staff members.  Maintaining up-to-date classroom displays.  Planning and preparing appropriate lessons and suitable teaching materials.  Monitoring and assessing a pupil’s progress.  Dealing with correspondence / emails.  Updating the website and making advertising campaigns, etc. Key skills ad competences:  Excellent classroom and communication skills.  Able to inspire, challenge and motivate students  Adaptable and willing to try new ways of teaching and working.  Always sharing with colleagues any examples of good practice.  Strong organisational and time management skills.

Yara Walleska Castillo Sanchez's Colleagues
Aula Blanca Formación
Santander, Cantabria, Spain
Yara Walleska Castillo Sanchez has 1 colleagues in total at AULA BLANCA S.L.. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
Other people named Yara Walleska Castillo Sanchez
Yara Walleska Castillo Sánchez
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