Ying Ting Wang

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Taipei, Taipei City, Taiwan
Current employer: PriceSpider
Current title:
Senior Software Engineer
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:40 AM
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Ying Ting Wang is from Taipei, Taipei City, Taiwan. Ying-Ting is currently Senior Software Engineer at PriceSpider, located in Irvine, California, United States.

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Ying Ting Wang's current jobs
Company: PriceSpider
Title: Senior Software Engineer
Period: Nov 2019 - Present (5 years, 2 months)
Location: Irvine, California, United States

• Developed an API server for auto scheduling and extracting the product feed and sales feed from MSPs. • Designed and built the API server with Flask, Celery, DynamoDB, docker containers, along with AWS ECR, secret manager, Aurora. • Connected APIs for extracting product information and sales reports, e.g., Walmart, eBay, Shopee, Lazada, Shopify, etc. • Developed unit testing and integration testing. • Developed a scalable web crawling system and a data pipeline for collecting product information from e-Commerce websites. • Integrated Selenium, Splash, Python-requests into the crawling system. • Designed and built the web crawling system with Scrapy-Splash, Docker containers on AWS EC2, along with ECR, ALB, Route 53, Lambda, Serverless, Ansible, Traefik • Developed a downloader to automatically download files by using Play-wright, Selenium with proxy server.

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