Zaivic Gallardo

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LinkedIn: Zaivic Gallardo
Location: Chile
Current employer:
Nexxolog S.A.
Current title:
ejecutiva cuenta SIL (subsidios incapacidad laboral)
Last updated: 21/05/2023 23:53 PM
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Zaivic Gallardo is from Chile. Zaivic is currently ejecutiva cuenta SIL (subsidios incapacidad laboral) at Nexxolog S.A.. In Zaivic's previous role as a Asesor comercial (VENTAS) at Empresa propia, Zaivic worked in until Dec 2017. Prior to joining Empresa propia, Zaivic was a Asesor Comercial (VENDEDORA) at Distribuidora Prime C,A (Distribuidor autorizado de lubricantes VENOCO) and held the position of Asesor Comercial (VENDEDORA). Prior to that, Zaivic was a Asesor Comercial (Vendedora) at Oil Filter c.a from Jul 2011 to May 2012. Zaivic started working as Asistente administrativo ejecutivo at Trato Mall Aragua c,a in Nov 2010. From Jan 2009 to Dec 2009, Zaivic was Asistente Departamento de Siniestros at CORREDOR DE SEGURO FERNANDO CALLES.

Zaivic Gallardo's email is available on Finalscout.com free of charge. This database has a wealth of information on over half a billion business professionals and two hundred million companies.

Zaivic Gallardo's current jobs
Company: Nexxolog S.A.
Title: ejecutiva cuenta SIL (subsidios incapacidad laboral)
Period: Mar 2019 - Present (5 years, 10 months)
Zaivic Gallardo's past jobs
Company: Empresa propia
Title: Asesor comercial (VENTAS)
Period: Oct 2016 - Dec 2017 (1 year, 2 months)
Company: Distribuidora Prime C,A (Distribuidor autorizado de lubricantes VENOCO)
Title: Asesor Comercial (VENDEDORA)
Period: Oct 2012 - Jul 2017 (4 years, 9 months)
Company: Oil Filter c.a
Title: Asesor Comercial (Vendedora)
Period: Jul 2011 - May 2012 (10 months)
Company: Trato Mall Aragua c,a
Title: Asistente administrativo ejecutivo
Period: Nov 2010 - Jun 2011 (7 months)
Title: Asistente Departamento de Siniestros
Period: Jan 2009 - Dec 2009 (11 months)
Zaivic Gallardo's education
Instituto Guillermo Subercaseaux
Cajero Bancario
Instituto Lenguaue Collegue sede UCV
Instituto universitario carlos soublette
Tecnico Superiror Universitario en Relaciones Publicas (RRPP)
Universidad Central de Venezuela
4to Semestre de Ingenieria AGRONOMA
Other people named Zaivic Gallardo
Zaivic Gallardo
ejecutiva cuenta SIL (subsidios incapacidad laboral)
Provincia de Santiago, Santiago Metropolitan Region, Chile
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