Zaniya L

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Location: United States
Current employer: DISSCHOLARED™
Current title:
Founder/CEO and Executive Director
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:00 AM
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Zaniya L is from United States. Zaniya is currently Founder/CEO and Executive Director at DISSCHOLARED™, located in Headquarters, Kentucky, United States. Zaniya also works as Founder/CEO and Executive Director at YesSheCanCampaign™ , a job Zaniya has held since Dec 2016.

Zaniya L's contact information is available for free on finalscout.com, a web-based professional networking database with more than 500 million business contacts and 200 million company profiles.

Zaniya L's current jobs
Title: Founder/CEO and Executive Director
Period: Oct 2019 - Present (5 years, 3 months)
Location: Headquarters, Kentucky, United States

DISSCHOLARED is an ed-tech platform powered by YesSheCanCampaign that helps students and families understand universities' private scholarship policies and the practice of scholarship award displacement. Our goal is to ensure students and families can make informed college and financial decisions. Impact 1) Our work inspired the federal government to develop "The Helping Students Plan for College Act," the first in the nation bill that addresses scholarship award displacement nationwide. 2) Our work inspired New Jersey to ban scholarship award displacement at all public universities in New Jersey. New Jersey became the second state in the nation to outlaw this practice. 3) We created the first in the nation database that showcases private scholarship policies. The database allows students and families to understand how private scholarships will impact their financial aid. Our mission is to make private scholarship policies, more transparent. 4) In November 2021, we launched our first Virtual Scholarship Fair that provided information about scholarships and scholarship award displacement to students in a fun, informative, and interactive way. 5) We are working with students, families, nonprofits, schools, and scholarship providers to provide information about scholarship award displacement through our workshops, digital content, and research.

Title: Founder/CEO and Executive Director
Period: Dec 2016 - Present (8 years, 1 month)
Location: Beverly, New Jersey, United States

YesSheCanCampaign is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that inspires young people to be extraordinary and to change the world. YesSheCanCampaign has reached 3,000+ students, volunteered 20,000+ hours, won six national awards and one international award. YesSheCanCampaign has helped students win over $700,000 in educational funding. In 2021, YesSheCanCampaign launched DISSCHOLARED, an award-winning ed-technology platform that spreads awareness about scholarship award displacement.

Zaniya L's Colleagues
Michael Christian Woods
DISSCHOLARED Impact Coordinator & Consultant
Headquarters, Kentucky, United States
Gabrielle Bello
Director of Product Management
Headquarters, Kentucky, United States
Zaniya L has 2 colleagues in total at DISSCHOLARED™. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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