Zarina Kenzina Weston

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Location: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Current employer:
Kenzina Skincare
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:46 AM
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Zarina Kenzina Weston is from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. Zarina Kenzina is currently Founder at Kenzina Skincare, located in Redfern, New South Wales, Australia. In Zarina Kenzina's previous role as a Communications Officer at Darwin Waterfront Corporation, Zarina Kenzina worked in until Jul 2012.

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Zarina Kenzina Weston's current jobs
Company: Kenzina Skincare
Title: Founder
Period: Aug 2019 - Present (5 years, 5 months)
Location: Redfern, New South Wales, Australia

My name is Zarina and I’m the founder of Kenzina, a Sydney based business. I am here to share my passion, beauty and skin care. In April 2020, I launched my own Kenzina branded under-eye masks; Kenzina Rejuvenating Mask with Coconut and Peppermint extract for instant hydration, minimising dark circles, reducing puffy eyes and diminishing wrinkles including ‘crows feet’. These eye masks are unique product and are not manufactured in China. Kenzina was born through my pursuit of a premium under-eye patch. I tested and explored many different brands. However, I was unable to locate a product that satisfied my criteria. Kenzina for me is about creating a superior product starting with our under-eye mask. In mid-2019 began working with a premium skin care products manufacturer. I spent the next five months of intensive testing and trialing with the manufacturer’s research and development laboratory to create a premium custom formula. The Kenzina Rejuvenating Eye Mask packaging was created by me with proofs provided by the manufacturer’s graphics team. The over-arching Kenzina mantra is that taking care of your skin is not a luxury, it should be an essential part of everyone’s daily life. I want to enhance the natural beauty of your skin with high quality beauty and skin care products, meaning no toxins or harmful ingredients, 100% cruelty free. However, our long-term plan is to expand the Kenzina-branded range and phase out the other brands we currently stock. Kenzina is a wholly Australian owned business based in Sydney, Australia. We ship all over the world!

Zarina Kenzina Weston's past jobs
Company: Darwin Waterfront Corporation
Title: Communications Officer
Period: Jul 2011 - Jul 2012 (1 year)
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