Ziyad El Tambouly

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Email: ****y@niva.aero
Location: Egypt
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Nile Valley Aviation
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Last updated: 06/09/2023 12:53 PM
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Ziyad El Tambouly is from Egypt. Ziyad El is currently CEO at Nile Valley Aviation, located in Cairo, Cairo, Egypt.

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Ziyad El Tambouly's current jobs
Company: Nile Valley Aviation
Title: CEO
Period: Jan 2010 - Present (15 years)
Location: Cairo, Cairo, Egypt

Nile Valley Aviation was founded in 1976; the first company to offer ground handling services, companies’ representation, and aviation solutions in Egypt. That is backed by the fact that we obtained the first private license in Egypt as a ground handling company and an aviation service provider. With hard work and the right frame of mind, we ensure that our clients are satisfied with the services being provided. We built our reputation through these core foundations because we value our clients’ satisfaction. Specializing in Ground, Cargo, Executive Aviation, and Medical Aviation (bedside-to-bedside) handling, we operate throughout Egypt from our headquarters at Cairo International Airport. A combination of modern, well-equipped facilities and dedicated experienced professional staff enables us to offer our clients a complete service package customized to meet our clients’ exact needs. We provide service on a personal level, as well as time definite, prime-time and airport–to–airport schedule services around the globe. We are on standby 24/7 to ensure that our clients are satisfied fully whenever and wherever. Nile Valley Aviation offers our clients an integrated range of high quality passenger, ramp and technical services at all Egyptian Airports. We are committed to making our service quality even more outstanding as we seek to work in partnership with each of our clients, to design, develop and deliver exceptional and flexible service solutions. Nile Valley Aviation is widely regarded as the aviation service academy all over Egypt because we were the first to enter the aviation service field and we were the academy/school that taught all the other aviation services in Egypt. Our qualified staff is a sign of our elite stature in the ground handling business because they have all acquired 30+ years of experience in this field, this is one of the reasons why we are highly reputed as the aviation service academy in Egypt.

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