Abhilash Chauhan

Helping manufacturing businesses shorten their time to market by leveraging the power of 3D Printing/ Additive manufacturing/ Rapid prototyping | Co-founder & head of sales & marketing at Crennovations 3D
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LinkedIn: Abhilash Chauhan
Location: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Current employer:
Crennovations 3D
Current title:
Co Founder
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:54 AM
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Abhilash Chauhan is from Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. Abhilash is currently Co Founder at Crennovations 3D, located in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

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Abhilash Chauhan's current jobs
Company: Crennovations 3D
Title: Co Founder
Period: Feb 2018 - Present (6 years, 11 months)
Location: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Crennovations 3D is a 3D Printing and Design Services company. We believe in identifying the client requirement and providing the optimum solution based on various project constraints. We are a young and enthusiastic team of engineers from varied engineering backgrounds. We aspire to be the leading 3D Printing and Design Services Company in India through utilizing the technology and skills to provide innovative solutions to help our clients save time and resources to optimize the entire product life-cycle along with speed, efficiency and customer satisfaction. Solutions we provide : 1. 3D Printing Services : - Selective Laser Sintering(SLS) - Stereolithography (SLA) , - Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) - Multijet Modelling (MJM) - Multijet Fusion (MJF) - Polyjet Solutions - Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) 2. Product Design and Design Analysis. 3. Reverse Engineering 4. Vacuum Casting. 5. Mold Manufacturing. My primary role at Crennovations is Marketing and New Business Development.

Abhilash Chauhan's education
MIT Aurangabad
Bachelor of Technology (BTech)
2013 - 2016
Abhilash Chauhan's top skills
Product Development Business Development Microsoft Word Project Management Plastics and Polymers Sales Team Management Startup Development Leadership Rapid Prototyping Manufacturing 3D Printing Additive Manufacturing PowerPoint Marketing Strategy Additive manufacturing Management Public Speaking
Abhilash Chauhan's Colleagues
Daivik Mahamuni
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Nikit Deoray
Head Of Production
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Sagar Waghmare
Production Supervisor
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Mustafa Mulla
Business Development
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Parth Mehta
Marketing Executive
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Abhilash Chauhan has 10 colleagues in total at Crennovations 3D. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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