Alejandra Calle

Marketing and Events Coordinator at BurlingtonGreen Environmental Association
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LinkedIn: Alejandra Calle
Location: Burlington, Ontario, Canada
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Marketing and Events Coordinator
Last updated: 21/05/2023 23:46 PM
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Alejandra Calle is from Burlington, Ontario, Canada. Alejandra works in the following industries: "Environmental Services", "Higher Education", "Public Relations & Communications", "Food & Beverages", "Non-profit Organization Management", and "Facilities Services". Alejandra is currently Marketing and Events Coordinator at BurlingtonGreen Environmental Association, located in Burlington, Ontario, Canada. In Alejandra's previous role as a Social Media Manager at undefined, Alejandra worked in Ontario, Canada until Apr 2021. Prior to joining undefined, Alejandra was a Urban Agriculture Program Communications Advisor at Cuso International and held the position of Urban Agriculture Program Communications Advisor at Lima Province, Peru. Prior to that, Alejandra was a Social Media Coordinator at University of Waterloo, based in Waterloo, Ontario from Jan 2017 to Jan 2018. Alejandra started working as Communications and Dissemination Officer at World University Service of Canada (WUSC - EUMC) in Peru in May 2017. From Feb 2015 to Dec 2015, Alejandra was Property Manager and Communications at The Cotton Factory, based in 270 Sherman Ave. N.. Prior to that, Alejandra was a Administrative Services at 270 Sherman from Feb 2015 to Dec 2015. Alejandra started working as Barista and Key Holder at Booster Juice in Oct 2010.

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Alejandra Calle's current jobs
Title: Marketing and Events Coordinator
Period: May 2021 - Present (3 years, 8 months)
Location: Burlington, Ontario, Canada
Alejandra Calle's past jobs
Title: Social Media Manager
Period: Oct 2020 - Apr 2021 (6 months)
Location: Ontario, Canada
Company: Cuso International
Title: Urban Agriculture Program Communications Advisor
Period: Apr 2018 - Mar 2020 (1 year, 11 months)
Location: Lima Province, Peru

I worked as the communications advisor for the Platform of Urban Agriculture in Lima, for the ALDA project financed by Cuso International. I was placed with a local NGO in Lima, Peru, where my role consisted of managing and updating multiple websites and social media profiles. I redesigned and updated their digital platforms to improve user experiences and engagement, I successfully increased public product awareness and brand visibility in local markets. I successfully worked with other members of the platform to build meaningful relationships and strengthen the network of urban farmers that were interested in pursuing agroecological practices. We worked with other Cuso International volunteers and local organizations to develop a certification system that guaranteed the products were grown using agroecological practices, promoting economic development in vulnerable populations, protection of the environment and community building.

Title: Social Media Coordinator
Period: Jan 2017 - Jan 2018 (1 year)
Location: Waterloo, Ontario

Managed all social media accounts for the Master of Development Practice program at the University of Waterloo. Regularly published material that would engage past, present and future students in the program as well as development-related material, events, news, and information.

Company: World University Service of Canada (WUSC - EUMC)
Title: Communications and Dissemination Officer
Period: May 2017 - Aug 2017 (3 months)
Location: Peru

Worked with a local partner on a project focused on promoting financial practices for cacao farmers in the Amazon region of Peru. I completed an assessment of the diverse mediums available in the region and carried out an evaluation to select the most ideal channels of communication for diverse messages and teaching modules. I also contributed to the creation of educational modules for financial literacy workshops.

Company: The Cotton Factory
Title: Property Manager and Communications
Period: Feb 2015 - Dec 2015 (10 months)
Location: 270 Sherman Ave. N.

Managed tenant contract and renewals of leases. In addition, I was responsible for facilitating the communication between the tenants and the management.

Company: 270 Sherman
Title: Administrative Services
Period: Feb 2015 - Dec 2015 (10 months)

Responsible for any office inquiries either by tenants or individuals interested in renting a space at the arts complex. Had to create, maintaing and keep track of all office staff files, invoices, contractors, floor plans and building projects. Carried out tours of the complex for individuals interested in renting spaces and interested in the history of the building. Part of my role was to take care of communication between social media outlets, tenants and the main office. These involved sending out notices, memos and reminders about different events that would take place in different locations around the buildings, alerting any disruptions that tenants may encounter due to filming, security or projects, and also writing news articles and summaries of tenants' work to promote their business and introduce them to our community.

Company: Booster Juice
Title: Barista and Key Holder
Period: Oct 2010 - Dec 2014 (4 years, 2 months)

Working as cashier and making meals and drinks for customers. As a key holder I am able to open and close the store on my own, count the cash and do the closing procedures. Every shift I am responsible for making sure there are enough supplies in the store and also dealing with any kind of challenges or issues that may arise while I am there. I help train new staff and make sure they learn the procedures and protocol of the store.

Alejandra Calle's education
University of Waterloo
Master's degree
2016 - 2017
McMaster University
Honour Bachelor's Degree
2011 - 2015
Alejandra Calle's top skills
Microsoft Office Social Media Social Media Marketing Teamwork Digital Marketing PowerPoint Strategic Communications Cash Handling Experience Microsoft Word Media Relations Social Networking Marketing Facebook Microsoft PowerPoint Data Entry Higher Education Microsoft Excel Event Planning Cashiering Critical Thinking
Alejandra Calle's Colleagues
Amy Schnurr
Co-Founder and Executive Director
Burlington, Ontario, Canada
Ken Lowe
Vice President, Board Of Directors
Burlington, Ontario, Canada
Marwa Selim
Program Manager
Burlington, Ontario, Canada
Gloria Reid
Member Board Of Directors
Burlington, Ontario, Canada
Kale Black
Program Coordinator
Alejandra Calle has 10 colleagues in total at BurlingtonGreen Environmental Association. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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