David Sacci

Project Developer, Charging Infrastructure at Tesla
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Email: ****i@tesla.com
LinkedIn: David Sacci
Location: Santa Monica, California, United States
Current employer: Tesla
Current title:
Sr. Project Developer, Charging Infrastructure
Last updated: 23/06/2023 12:26 PM
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David Sacci is from Santa Monica, California, United States. David is currently Sr. Project Developer, Charging Infrastructure at Tesla, located in Austin, Texas, United States.

You can find David Sacci's email address at finalscout.com. FinalScout is a free professional database with over five hundred million business professional profiles and over two hundred million company profiles.

David Sacci's current jobs
Company: Tesla
Title: Sr. Project Developer, Charging Infrastructure
Period: Jul 2022 - Present (2 years, 8 months)
Location: Austin, Texas, United States

Site acquisition and project management of Tesla charging stations in Los Angeles, Ventura and Santa Barbara counties.

David Sacci's education
Occidental College
Bachelor of Arts
2009 - 2013
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2011 - 2011
Hopkins School
2005 - 2009
David Sacci's Colleagues
Adam Qureshi
Chris Dawson
Chief Executive Officer
Lily (Li) Li
Senior Manager Purchasing, PCBA and Electronics
Austin, Texas, United States
Michael Bowling
Director of Operations
Austin, Texas, United States
Jack Griffith
Operations Manager
Austin, Texas, United States
David Sacci has 52K+ colleagues in total at Tesla. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
Other people named David Sacci
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Kenilworth, New Jersey, United States
Dave Sacci
Forklift Driver
Sacramento, California, United States
There are 2 other "David Sacci". You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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