Fernanda Murphy

Head of DSP Services at Amazon
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LinkedIn: Fernanda Murphy
Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States
Current employer: Google
Current title:
Global Head of Payments & Retail Marketing, Google Play
Last updated: 26/03/2024 19:55 PM
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Fernanda Murphy is from Brooklyn, New York, United States. Fernanda works in the following industries: "Internet", "Wine & Spirits", "Financial Services", and "Accounting". Fernanda is currently Global Head of Payments & Retail Marketing, Google Play at Google, located in Mountain View, California, United States.

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Fernanda Murphy's current jobs
Company: Google
Title: Global Head of Payments & Retail Marketing, Google Play
Period: May 2022 - Present (2 years, 7 months)
Location: Mountain View, California, United States

Connecting billions of Android users around the world to content they love on Google Play. WW Marketing leader driving the global strategy and execution of marketing efforts for Google Play gift cards and other forms of payments. Lead and manage the marketing function, overseeing product marketing, campaign and creative, media and content strategy, promotions, channel marketing, partner marketing, co-marketing, retail narratives, and consumer research. Guide, oversee and mentor global team of marketers to achieve KPIs and grow the number of Google Play paying users through retail and payments partnerships. Collaborate with internal teams such as partner managers, business development, product, brand, growth, loyalty, commerce, payments, legal, etc.

Fernanda Murphy's education
Centro Universitário Ibero-Americano
Columbia Business School
2009 - 2011
Fernanda Murphy's top skills
Strategic Planning Competitive Analysis Online Marketing Marketing Management Project Management Integrated Marketing Market Research Customer Acquisition Financial Services Portfolio Management Credit Cards Product Management Marketing Strategy Digital Marketing Analytics Segmentation Cross-functional Team Leadership Marketing Business Strategy Strategy
Fernanda Murphy's Colleagues
Amit Singla
Director Of Engineering
Seattle, Washington, United States
Nancy Felix
Sr Leader, Software Development - Amazon Devices
Seattle, Washington, United States
William Bowes
Vice President of Engineering
Seattle, Washington, United States
Cecilia Pizzurro
Head of Engineering - Alexa Devices Ambient Home Platform
Seattle, Washington, United States
Horacio Gomez
Sr. Global Commodity Manager
Seattle, Washington, United States
Fernanda Murphy has 880K+ colleagues in total at Amazon. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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