Gagan Sachdev

Autopilot Performance Engineer at Tesla
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LinkedIn: Gagan Sachdev
Location: Austin, Texas Area
Current employer: Tesla
Current title:
Performance Engineer
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:28 AM
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Gagan Sachdev is from Austin, Texas Area. Gagan works in the following industries: "Semiconductors", "Higher Education", "Utilities", and "Automotive". Gagan is currently Performance Engineer at Tesla, located in Austin, Texas Area. In Gagan's previous role as a Staff Design Engineer at ARM, Gagan worked in Austin, Texas Area until Jul 2017. Prior to joining ARM, Gagan was a MTS Design Engineer at AMD and held the position of MTS Design Engineer at Austin, Texas Area. Prior to that, Gagan was a Senior Design Engineer at AMD, based in Austin, Texas Area from Jan 2013 to Jun 2015. Gagan started working as Design Engineer 2 at AMD in Austin, Texas Area in Aug 2011. From Aug 2009 to Aug 2011, Gagan was Graduate Research Assistant at University of Utah. Prior to that, Gagan was a Intern at ST Microelectronics from Jun 2008 to Dec 2008. Gagan started working as Summer Intern at NTPC in May 2007.

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Gagan Sachdev's current jobs
Company: Tesla
Title: Performance Engineer
Period: Jul 2017 - Present (7 years, 8 months)
Location: Austin, Texas Area

Working on Tesla’s next generation hardware

Gagan Sachdev's past jobs
Company: ARM
Title: Staff Design Engineer
Period: Dec 2015 - Jul 2017 (1 year, 7 months)
Location: Austin, Texas Area

Member of the Enterprise Server/Networking Future Systems Design team

Company: AMD
Title: MTS Design Engineer
Period: Jul 2015 - Dec 2015 (5 months)
Location: Austin, Texas Area
Company: AMD
Title: Senior Design Engineer
Period: Jan 2013 - Jun 2015 (2 years, 5 months)
Location: Austin, Texas Area
Company: AMD
Title: Design Engineer 2
Period: Aug 2011 - Jan 2013 (1 year, 5 months)
Location: Austin, Texas Area

Analyze, project, and improve the performance of world-class Accelerated Processing Units (APUs). Work with performance simulation and modeling, APU power and performance tradeoffs, and microarchitecture definition and evaluation; perform validation and debug and work with benchmark/ workload analysis and characterization.

Title: Graduate Research Assistant
Period: Aug 2009 - Aug 2011 (2 years)

Computer architecture

Title: Intern
Period: Jun 2008 - Dec 2008 (6 months)
Company: NTPC
Title: Summer Intern
Period: May 2007 - Jul 2007 (2 months)
Gagan Sachdev's education
Birla Institute of Technology and Science
Bachelor of Engineering (BE)
2005 - 2009
2009 - 2011
Gagan Sachdev's top skills
VLSI C++ RTL design GPU Performance Analysis Performance Engineering Debugging Microprocessors C Simulations Integrated Circuit Design Verilog simulation Computer Architecture Matlab Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (ASIC) performance modeling
Gagan Sachdev's Colleagues
Adam Qureshi
Chris Dawson
Chief Executive Officer
Lily (Li) Li
Senior Manager Purchasing, PCBA and Electronics
Austin, Texas, United States
Michael Bowling
Director of Operations
Austin, Texas, United States
Jack Griffith
Operations Manager
Austin, Texas, United States
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