Gary Davis

Employee at All-Pro Fasteners, Inc.
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LinkedIn: Gary Davis
Location: Arlington, Texas, United States
Current employer: All-Pro Fasteners Inc.
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Last updated: 21/05/2023 23:57 PM
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Gary Davis is from Arlington, Texas, United States. Gary works in the following industries: "Wholesale". Gary is currently Procurement at All-Pro Fasteners Inc.. In Gary's previous role as a Sales at Distribution Dynamics, Gary worked in until Jan 1999. Prior to joining Distribution Dynamics, Gary was a Sales at Pro Fasteners and held the position of Sales. Prior to that, Gary was a Material Handler / Inside Sales at American Fasteners & Components, based in San Jose, CA from Jan 1981 to Jan 1984. Gary started working as Driver Sales at ARA Coffee Service in San Diego, CA in Jan 1979.

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Gary Davis's current jobs
Title: Procurement
Period: Jan 1999 - Present (25 years, 8 months)
Gary Davis's past jobs
Company: Distribution Dynamics
Title: Sales
Period: Jan 1994 - Jan 1999 (5 years)
Company: Pro Fasteners
Title: Sales
Period: Jan 1985 - Jan 1991 (6 years)
Company: American Fasteners & Components
Title: Material Handler / Inside Sales
Period: Jan 1981 - Jan 1984 (3 years)
Location: San Jose, CA
Company: ARA Coffee Service
Title: Driver Sales
Period: Jan 1979 - Jan 1981 (2 years)
Location: San Diego, CA
Gary Davis's education
Cleveland State University
1977 - 1978
Cleveland Heights High School
1974 - 1976
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