Greg Argetsinger
Greg Argetsinger is from 3675 Corporate Drive, Columbus, OH. 43231. Greg works in the following industries: "Telecommunications". Greg is currently Vice President Operations at WOW! Internet, Cable & Phone, located in 3675 Corporate Drive, Columbus, OH. 43231. In Greg's previous role as a Vice President / Executive Director at Knology, Greg worked in Augusta, GA until Jul 2012. Prior to joining Knology, Greg was a Chief Operating Officer - Bucharest, Romania at Liberty Global and held the position of Chief Operating Officer - Bucharest, Romania at Bucharest, Romania. Prior to that, Greg was a Vice President of Operations - Tokyo Japan at Liberty Global from Jun 1996 to Oct 2005. Greg started working as General Manager - SW Miami, Florida Keys, Miami TCI, Chicago TCI at Telecommunications, Inc - TCI in May 1989.
Greg Argetsinger can be found on, where members can access Greg Argetsinger's email for free. Finalscout is a professional database with more than 500 million business professional profiles and 200 million company profiles.
Greg Argetsinger's current jobs
Responsible for the Strategic and Daily Operations of Wide Open West's (WOW!) Northern Markets serving Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, Indiana and Maryland. * Financial Responsibilities for Operational & Capital Budgets * 4 Time Winner of the "Best Places to Work" in Columbus, OH * Awarded "Chicago's 101 Best and Brightest Companies to Work For" the past 3 years. * Drove over 40k new Incremental Customers in the Ohio Markets. * Implementation of National Standardized Operational Structures, KPI's, Policies & Procedures * Aggressively working to implement Employee Engagement initiatives, Marketing Campaigns, Commercial Development, Network Enhancements, Cell Tower Strategies, Customer Experience initiatives.
Greg Argetsinger's past jobs
Responsible for the National Strategic and Daily Customer Operations of 800K RGU's,14 Divisions, Multiple Corporate Departments and over 450 employees. * Migration of 8 Divisions & 250K RGU's into a Centralized Strategy * Annual Reduction of over 400K Customer calls * Drove Improvement in all Key Metrics * Reduction in Employee Churn by more than 50% * Development of New Operation Centers * Successful delivery of Operational & Capital Budgets * Operation of the local Field Operations
Promoted from Liberty's Japan Operations to drive the merger of UPC / Astral throughout the Country of Romania. Responsible for the integration process which included a total of 1.4 million RGU's, 200 Communities, 190 Headends, 170 Walk-in Offices, 5 Call Centers, 77 Independent databases and 3,000 employees. UPC is the European Subsidiary of Liberty Media consisting of 11 European Countries at that time.
Responsible for Liberty Media's Operational Integration from a start-up Japanese Operations to a MSO serving over 7 Million franchised homes in 34 broadband operating systems. Provided strategic and tactical leadership to franchises, directed development and operational management of 6 Regional Call Centers and provided support to the Marketing, Engineering and IT Departments. Reported directly to the COO, and helped successfully take the Company Public in March of 2005.
Successfully Managed Systems over this time in SW Miami, the Florida Keys, Miami TCI and Chicago TCI. * Awarded Florida State Manager of the Year Trophy * Awarded TCI's Top 10 Operating Systems * Played Key Role in the Systems of the 21st Century Initative * Implemented New Centralized Operating Structure for 325,000 Customers and 750 Employees in Chicago