Gusman Yahya

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Email: ****
Location: Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Current employer: Filantropi Indonesia
Current title:
Executive Director
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:01 AM
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Gusman Yahya is from Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia. Gusman is currently Executive Director at Filantropi Indonesia, located in Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia.

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Gusman Yahya's current jobs
Title: Executive Director
Period: Oct 2021 - Present (3 years, 3 months)
Location: Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia

 Oversee the day-to-day operations of the organization and ensure its overall successful long-term programs and operations.  Lead and develop program strategy and annual plan to operationalize Filantropi Indonesia’s strategic plan, referring to Filantropi Indonesia’s vision and values and the quality framework and standards.  Design and implement a strategic business planning process for the expansion of Filantropi Indonesia.  Drive development and fundraising through membership growth, leveraging the Board and members as appropriate.  Oversee the day-to-day operations of the organization and ensure its overall successful long-term programs and operations.  Oversee the development of proposals and applications for current and prospect funders.  Provide thoughtful and visionary leadership that is inclusive, transparent, and empowering in a manner that supports and guides the organization’s mission as defined by the Board.

Gusman Yahya's Colleagues
Yogi Rahmad N
Chief Executive Officer
Rizal Algamar
Chairperson of the Executive Board (Volunteer)
Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Timotheus Lesmana Wanadjaja
Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Ika Setyowati Sutedjo
Partnership and Membership Officer
Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Femmy Basri
Partnership & Membership Manager
Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Gusman Yahya has 18 colleagues in total at Filantropi Indonesia. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
Other people named Gusman Yahya
Gusman Yahya
Executive Director
Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
There are 1 other "Gusman Yahya". You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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