Rizal Algamar

Southeast Asia Regional Director at the Tropical Forest Alliance - World Economic Forum
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Email: ****l@tropicalforestalliance.org
LinkedIn: Rizal Algamar
Location: Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Current employer: Filantropi Indonesia
Current title:
Chairperson of the Executive Board (Volunteer)
Last updated: 12/08/2023 20:11 PM
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Rizal Algamar is from Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia. Rizal is currently Chairperson of the Executive Board (Volunteer) at Filantropi Indonesia, located in Indonesia. Rizal also works as Southeast Asia Regional Director at Tropical Forest Alliance, a job Rizal has held since Aug 2020. In Rizal's previous role as a Chief of Business Development at Save the Children Indonesia, Rizal worked in Indonesia until Mar 2021. Prior to joining Save the Children Indonesia, Rizal was a Chairman of the Board of Management at Yayasan Konservasi Alam Nusantara and held the position of Chairman of the Board of Management at Greater Jakarta Area, Indonesia. Prior to that, Rizal was a Country Director at The Nature Conservancy, based in Indonesia from Oct 2012 to Jan 2020. Rizal started working as Lecturer at Binus Business School in Greater Jakarta Area, Indonesia in Jan 2012. From Oct 2008 to Oct 2012, Rizal was Senior Vice President, Head of Corporate Social Responsibility at Bank BTPN Tbk., based in Jakarta, Indonesia. Prior to that, Rizal was a Head of Outreach & Partnership at Putera Sampoerna Foundation, based in Jakarta from Mar 2004 to Sep 2008. Rizal started working as National Sales Manager at PT. Tigaraksa Satria Tbk. in Jakarta in Apr 2003.

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Rizal Algamar's current jobs
Title: Chairperson of the Executive Board (Volunteer)
Period: Mar 2021 - Present (3 years, 10 months)
Location: Indonesia

Filantropi Indonesia is an independent association of philanthropic individuals and organizations whose aim is to advance philanthropy ecosystem that would advances and accelerate social justice and sustainable development achievement in Indonesia.

Company: Tropical Forest Alliance
Title: Southeast Asia Regional Director
Period: Aug 2020 - Present (4 years, 5 months)
Location: Indonesia

The Tropical Forest Alliance is a multistakeholder partnership platform initiated to support the implementation of private-sector commitments to remove deforestation from palm oil, beef, soy and pulp/paper supply chains. Hosted by the World Economic Forum, our 170+ alliance partners include companies, government entities, civil society, indigenous peoples, local communities and international organizations, working together through Forest-Positive Collective Action to advance the world's transition to deforestation-free commodity supply chains.

Rizal Algamar's past jobs
Company: Save the Children Indonesia
Title: Chief of Business Development
Period: Apr 2020 - Mar 2021 (11 months)
Location: Indonesia
Company: Yayasan Konservasi Alam Nusantara
Title: Chairman of the Board of Management
Period: Jan 2015 - Jan 2020 (5 years)
Location: Greater Jakarta Area, Indonesia
Title: Country Director
Period: Oct 2012 - Jan 2020 (7 years, 3 months)
Location: Indonesia
Company: Binus Business School
Title: Lecturer
Period: Jan 2012 - Dec 2018 (6 years, 11 months)
Location: Greater Jakarta Area, Indonesia


Company: Bank BTPN Tbk.
Title: Senior Vice President, Head of Corporate Social Responsibility
Period: Oct 2008 - Oct 2012 (4 years)
Location: Jakarta, Indonesia

As part of the new management team upon the acquisition of the bank by TPG Capital, led the development of the bank’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) and creating shared value (CSV) initiatives. Building the CSR and CSV blue print and strategic plan that includes processes, structures, systems and social-economic performance indicators. Upon successful execution, started to integrate and aligned to all the business units and support function which ultimately made the CSR and CSV initiatives became the bank’s overall unique value proposition named Daya; pemberdayaan, which means empowerment. Successfully launched a bank-wide training curriculum that empower and engage staffs as owner of the Daya program. Upon leaving the organization, Daya is running with 140+ staffs, 500+ volunteers, provide benefit to over 500K customers (both lending and funding customers) annually and resulting to a net promotor score >75%.

Company: Putera Sampoerna Foundation
Title: Head of Outreach & Partnership
Period: Mar 2004 - Sep 2008 (4 years, 6 months)
Location: Jakarta

As one of the largest Indonesian non-profit organization, led the development of outreach and fundraising initiatives that include processes, structures and systems. Implementation of outreach activities in major cities through CSR Exchange Forum initiatives that resulted in strategic alliances and partnership with major private sectors such as ExxonMobil, BHP Billiton, Standard Chartered Bank, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, etc. Within 4 years, develop 50+ partnership and relationship maintained resulting with a Customer Satisfaction Index greater than 85%.

Company: PT. Tigaraksa Satria Tbk.
Title: National Sales Manager
Period: Apr 2003 - Mar 2004 (11 months)
Location: Jakarta

Lead the introduction and launching of new product line. Recruit, train and coach over 10 regional managers and 300+ direct sellers. Development of sales curriculum to train and develop regional sales staffs as master trainer that create an enabling condition for strong people development on-site.

Company: PT. Texmaco Jaya Tbk.
Title: Regional Head of Sales, Africa and Central Asia
Period: Jan 1998 - Mar 2003 (5 years, 2 months)
Location: Jakarta

Started the carrier as Marketing Support Manager for the Far East Asia region and was quickly promoted to Head of Sales due to excellent order servicing from pre-order to post order services and the development of product-to-market profiling that enable to successfully build product pipeline according to market need and demand. As Head of Sales, started development of Africa as a new region and later added Central Asia region to the portfolio. Both region as a new territory has seen growth to yearly sales of USD 12 million from previous sales of USD 3 million.

Rizal Algamar's education
University of Indonesia
1995 - 1998
Universitas Prasetiya Mulya
1995 - 1995
Monash University
1997 - 1998
Devry Institute of Technology
Bachelor of Science
1989 - 1993
Rizal Algamar's top skills
Stakeholder Engagement Capacity Building Community Development CSR Blueprint and Process Automation Program Management Program Execution Community Relations International Business Web Marketing Facilitator E-Marketing Sales and Marketing Trainers CSR Consulting E-commerce Internal Communications CSR Developer and Strategist Project Management E-Commerce Lecturer
Rizal Algamar's Colleagues
Gusman Yahya
Executive Director
Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Yogi Rahmad N
Chief Executive Officer
Timotheus Lesmana Wanadjaja
Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Ika Setyowati Sutedjo
Partnership and Membership Officer
Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Femmy Basri
Partnership & Membership Manager
Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
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Rizal Algamar
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