Jamie Mac Donald

Account Manager and Marketing Coordinator at Everlast Lighting. Professional photographer, brand ambassador(have represented Olympus Imaging N. America, Vanguard photo, and Nisi Filters among others)
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Email: ****d@everlastlight.com
LinkedIn: Jamie MacDonald
Location: Greater Lansing
Current employer: EverLast Lighting
Current title:
Account Manager
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:42 AM
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Jamie Mac Donald is from Greater Lansing. Jamie works in the following industries: "Online Audio and Video Media". Jamie is currently Account Manager at EverLast Lighting, located in Jackson, Michigan, United States. Jamie also works as Marketing Coordinator at EverLast Lighting, a job Jamie has held since Jan 2017. In Jamie's previous role as a Digital Marketing Specialist at EverLast Lighting, Jamie worked in Jackson, Michigan Area until Oct 2021. Prior to joining EverLast Lighting, Jamie was a 2012 Olympus VISIONARY at Olympus and held the position of 2012 Olympus VISIONARY at Lansing, Michigan Area. Prior to that, Jamie was a 2013/2016 Olympus Trailblazer at Olympus Imaging North America from Apr 2013 to Apr 2019. Jamie started working as Social Media Manager at Camera Mall of Ann Arbor in Ann Arbor in Jan 2016. From Apr 2010 to Dec 2016, Jamie was CMM Programmer at Melling Engine Parts, based in Melling Tool Co. Prior to that, Jamie was a Guest blogger at BorrowLenses from Sep 2013 to Feb 2014. Jamie started working as CMM Programmer at Melling Engine Parts in Aug 1995.

Jamie Mac Donald's contact information is available for free on finalscout.com, a web-based professional networking database with more than 500 million business contacts and 200 million company profiles.

Jamie Mac Donald's current jobs
Title: Account Manager
Period: Sep 2021 - Present (3 years, 4 months)
Location: Jackson, Michigan, United States
Title: Marketing Coordinator
Period: Jan 2017 - Present (8 years)
Location: Jackson, Michigan

Develop,manage, and implement social media and marketing strategies for a leading manufacturer of LED lighting products.

Jamie Mac Donald's past jobs
Title: Digital Marketing Specialist
Period: Jan 2017 - Oct 2021 (4 years, 9 months)
Location: Jackson, Michigan Area

My role at Everlast Lighting, and its parent company Full Spectrum Solutions is to develop and tell the brand story and successes through the creation of engaging social content. Leveraging the specific benefits of each of our social media platforms to inform and engage our audience on a daily basis.

Company: Olympus
Title: 2012 Olympus VISIONARY
Period: Jul 2012 - Oct 2021 (9 years, 3 months)
Location: Lansing, Michigan Area

As an Olympus Visionary I provided photographs for use in product promotion as well as give feedback on new product design. I also promote the innovative products that Olympus Imaging produces through the use social media and local events. Come visit my page over on the Olympus website! http://www.getolympus.com/us/en/visionaries/jamie_macdonald

Title: 2013/2016 Olympus Trailblazer
Period: Apr 2013 - Apr 2019 (6 years)

As an Olympus Trailblazer I provide photographs for use in product promotion as well as give feedback on new product design. I also promote the innovative products that Olympus Imaging produces through the use of social media and local and national trade events. Visit my page on the Olympus website! http://www.getolympus.com/us/en/visionaries/jamie_macdonald

Company: Camera Mall of Ann Arbor
Title: Social Media Manager
Period: Jan 2016 - Jan 2019 (3 years)
Location: Ann Arbor

At Camera Mall of Ann Arbor I develop and implement social media strategies used to drive brand recognition and product sales. Utilizing popular social media platforms such as, Twitter,Facebook,Instagram, and Snapchat I grow an organic following that is both engaged, and loyal to the brand. Visit Camera Mall and Follow in our fun! https://www.facebook.com/CameraMall/

Title: CMM Programmer
Period: Apr 2010 - Dec 2016 (6 years, 8 months)
Location: Melling Tool Co

DCC CMM programmer using PC-Dmis 2014.1 and Datapage RT in an ISO-TS certified environment. I have a thorough understanding of GD&T and its implementation. Gage calibration and management using GageTrak gage software. Experienced in the use of micrometers,calipers, laser micrometers and surfometers, as well as optical comparitors, height gages and hard gages.

Company: BorrowLenses
Title: Guest blogger
Period: Sep 2013 - Feb 2014 (5 months)

Guest writer for the Borrowlenses.com blog. Covering a wide range of topics across several articles. My position as a professional photographer, brand ambassador for Olympus Imaging N. America, and past writing experiences provided me with this fun opportunity to support the team at Borrowlenses.com with guest articles. http://www.borrowlenses.com/blog/2014/02/intro-to-light-painting-with-olympus-trailblazer-jamie-macdonald/ https://www.borrowlenses.com/blog/sample-images-benefits-of-shooting-olympus-and-four-thirdsmicro-four-thirds/

Title: CMM Programmer
Period: Aug 1995 - Mar 2008 (12 years, 7 months)

Was a CMM programmer.

Jamie Mac Donald's education
2006 - 2009
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