Jessica Ward M Sc CSM B Ed BA

Staff Instructional Designer at Tesla
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Location: United States
Current employer: Tesla
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Staff Instructional Designer
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:22 AM
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Jessica Ward M Sc CSM B Ed BA is from United States. Jessica works in the following industries: "Government Relations", "Education Management", "Primary/Secondary Education", "Research", "Medical Device", "Financial Services", and "Automotive". Jessica is currently Staff Instructional Designer at Tesla, located in United States. In Jessica's previous role as a Lead Instructional Designer at Tesla, Jessica worked in until Sep 2021. Prior to joining Tesla, Jessica was a Instructional Designer at Lever10 and held the position of Instructional Designer at Remote. Prior to that, Jessica was a Instructional Designer at Chargeback, based in Remote from Jun 2016 to Nov 2017. Jessica started working as Teacher at Santa Clara Unified School District in Santa Clara, CA in Oct 2015. From Jul 2011 to Nov 2014, Jessica was Curriculum Designer and Teacher, Second Language Acquisition Focus at German International School of Silicon Valley, based in Mountain View, California, United States. Prior to that, Jessica was a Elementary School Teacher at Davis County School District, based in Woods Cross, UT from Aug 2009 to Jun 2011. Jessica started working as Program Manager at Galileo Financial Technologies in Greater Salt Lake City Area in Apr 2003.

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Jessica Ward M Sc CSM B Ed BA's current jobs
Company: Tesla
Title: Staff Instructional Designer
Period: Sep 2021 - Present (3 years, 4 months)
Location: United States
Jessica Ward M Sc CSM B Ed BA's past jobs
Company: Tesla
Title: Lead Instructional Designer
Period: Oct 2020 - Sep 2021 (11 months)
Company: Lever10
Title: Instructional Designer
Period: Nov 2014 - Oct 2020 (5 years, 11 months)
Location: Remote

- Create end-user and internal technical training for 12 big-name Silicon Valley clients and counting, over 1000 trainees - Use learning design best practices to build a training library for corporate learners from the ground up - Design and create technical learning modules, training videos, and course materials for new and existing employees, from vision to implementation to mastery analysis - Accurately assess training needs and effectiveness of training programs -Collaborate with and manage external Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to build content

Company: Chargeback
Title: Instructional Designer
Period: Jun 2016 - Nov 2017 (1 year, 5 months)
Location: Remote

- Designed and developed technical e-learning modules, training videos, graphics, and all materials for both self-study and instructor-led onboarding and development courses - Set up and maintained corporate course materials library - Collaborated with and managed multiple Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to gain a complete and thorough knowledge of operational processes - Assessed training needs through surveys, interviews with employees, and consultations with managers - Mentored trainers to ensure best-in-class execution of training strategy - Monitored and evaluated training programs to ensure effectiveness according to course metrics and student feedback; designed and implemented improvements as needed

Company: Santa Clara Unified School District
Title: Teacher
Period: Oct 2015 - Jun 2016 (8 months)
Location: Santa Clara, CA

- Crafted lessons in all subjects for a highly diverse class including 14 English language learners and 10 students with learning disabilities - Systematically employed data-driven assessment to gauge learning progress and intervened as needed - Adjusted all lessons as needed for English learners and students with disabilities

Company: German International School of Silicon Valley
Title: Curriculum Designer and Teacher, Second Language Acquisition Focus
Period: Jul 2011 - Nov 2014 (3 years, 4 months)
Location: Mountain View, California, United States

- Created a comprehensive second-language (L2) acquisition strategy and curriculum for 140 students - Designed and created specially-targeted, age-appropriate materials for implicit, intuitive teaching of grammatical structures - Authored and held Professional Development training in use of the new strategy and materials - Established benchmarks for students’ current language skills, learning progress, and eventual mastery - Wrote and edited documentation of L2 acquisition program operating procedures in two languages - Taught highly individualized L2 lessons in small groups - Served as a school development and student council volunteer

Company: Davis County School District
Title: Elementary School Teacher
Period: Aug 2009 - Jun 2011 (1 year, 10 months)
Location: Woods Cross, UT

- Taught early literacy by introducing letters, letter sounds, letter combinations, first words, tracking, reading directionality, etc. to 54 students (2 half-day classes) - Taught early numeracy by introducing numbers, amounts, and beginning addition and subtraction - Taught core Kindergarten subjects, systematically assessing learning progress and intervening as needed - Differentiated curriculum as needed for English Language Learners of all levels - Created Professional Development training for fellow staff in Common Core curriculum and SMARTS Technology - Managed several classroom volunteers

Title: Program Manager
Period: Apr 2003 - Jul 2005 (2 years, 3 months)
Location: Greater Salt Lake City Area

- Created and managed nationwide marketing strategies and ad campaigns, overseeing 50% growth in card users - Oversaw continual product and process improvement in the areas of functionality innovation, customer satisfaction improvement, data processing reliability, and fraud prevention - Developed product requirements for internal new card products as well as external partner projects and managed product development and launch - Wrote documentation of operating procedures for product development

Title: Marketing Media Coordinator
Period: Apr 2001 - Feb 2003 (1 year, 10 months)
Location: Burgdorf, Switzerland

- Coordinated production of all product and software documentation in German and English - Standardized linguistic operating procedures and all product media among global subsidiaries and distributors - Managed linguistic quality issues in the company’s global product documentation, media and software - Collaborated with dozens of multinational partners to define global multilingual product terminologies - Edited and translated product and software documentation in German and English - Trained employees and subsidiaries in use of complex localization software

Jessica Ward M Sc CSM B Ed BA's education
University of Utah
Bachelor of Arts - BA
1997 - 2001
University of Maryland
Master of Science - MS
2018 - 2020
University of Utah
Bachelor of Arts - BA
1997 - 2001
Pädagogische Hochschule Steiermark
Bachelor of Education - BEd
2005 - 2009
Jessica Ward M Sc CSM B Ed BA's top skills
K-12 Education Training Microsoft Excel Analytical Skills Operations Management Office 365 Marketing Instructional Design Scrum Elementary Education E-Learning Strategy Project Management Educational Technology Learning Management Systems Leadership Curriculum Development Strategic Planning Program Management Microsoft Office
Jessica Ward M Sc CSM B Ed BA's Colleagues
Adam Qureshi
Chris Dawson
Chief Executive Officer
Lily (Li) Li
Senior Manager Purchasing, PCBA and Electronics
Austin, Texas, United States
Michael Bowling
Director of Operations
Austin, Texas, United States
Omead Afshar
Project Director, Office of the CEO
Austin, Texas, United States
Jessica Ward M Sc CSM B Ed BA has 52K+ colleagues in total at Tesla. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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