Ken Nawyn

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Brookfield, Connecticut, United States
Current employer: IQVIA
Current title:
Senior System Engineer
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:40 AM
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Ken Nawyn is from Brookfield, Connecticut, United States. Ken is currently Senior System Engineer at IQVIA, located in Durham, North Carolina, United States.

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Ken Nawyn's current jobs
Company: IQVIA
Title: Senior System Engineer
Period: Aug 2021 - Present (3 years, 5 months)
Location: Durham, North Carolina, United States

• Member of a Big Data team which manages multiple Hadoop clusters on premise and in AWS and Azure environments. • Developing the architecture, a program which will manage the migration of data from on premise data stores including Hadoop Hive databases and Amazon Web Services and Azure deployments of Snowflake. • Followed Agile software development process using Jira and participating in daily “Stand Up” meetings. • Worked with other team members to reliably install and update TLS certificates using vendor tools on Hadoop clusters in multiple Active Directory domains. Updated software to improve the reliability of this process. • Created and updated multiple shell scripts to automate host and software configuration and updates to Hadoop clusters. • Enhanced Python REST API which is used to automate and manage data transfers between clusters which is implemented using Flask, RestX Python modules and Gunicorn web server. • Updated Docker container definitions to support updates to the REST API application. • Created automated application deployment job in Jenkins for the Python REST API service which manages the start, stop and if necessary, perform the rollback of the application during the deployment process. • Developed Python programs to manage and cleanup data copy jobs using Cloudera Manager REST APIs. • Worked with SRE team to create Rundeck jobs for the Python data copy management jobs. • Documented software deployment and software configuration for the Big Data team in Confluence. • Developed Ansible playbooks which deployed and configured Artifactory artifact store and MySQL backed database in a Highly Available fashion.

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