Kristen Baas

Manager of Forecasting & Demand Planning at Fannie May Confections Brands Inc.
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LinkedIn: Kristen Baas
Location: Canton, Ohio, United States
Current title:
Director of Planning and Replenishment
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:32 AM
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Kristen Baas is from Canton, Ohio, United States. Kristen works in the following industries: "Consumer Goods", and "Food Production". Kristen is currently Director of Planning and Replenishment at Fannie May Confections Brands Inc., located in North Canton, Ohio. Kristen also works as Manager of Forecasting & Demand Planning at Fannie May Confections Brands Inc., a job Kristen has held since Aug 2011. In Kristen's previous role as a Scheduler at Harry London Candies, Kristen worked in until Mar 2011. Prior to joining Harry London Candies, Kristen was a Production Manager at Harry London Candies and held the position of Production Manager.

If you’re looking for Kristen Baas's email address, you can find it on finalscout.com. Finalscout is a professional database with more than 500 million business professionals and 200 million company profiles.

Kristen Baas's current jobs
Title: Director of Planning and Replenishment
Period: Jul 2016 - Present (8 years, 6 months)
Location: North Canton, Ohio
Title: Manager of Forecasting & Demand Planning
Period: Aug 2011 - Present (13 years, 5 months)
Kristen Baas's past jobs
Company: Harry London Candies
Title: Scheduler
Period: Aug 2001 - Mar 2011 (9 years, 7 months)
Company: Harry London Candies
Title: Production Manager
Period: Sep 1998 - Feb 2001 (2 years, 5 months)
Kristen Baas's education
Stark State College of Technology
1998 - 2000
Kristen Baas's top skills
Lean Manufacturing Fast Pass Inventory Control Product Development Cross-functional Team Leadership Leadership Development Troubleshooting Forecasting Strategic Planning Manufacturing Problem Solving Demand Planning Operations Retail Inventory Management Team Building Planning Teamwork Process Improvement Kaizen
Kristen Baas's Colleagues
Ron Orcutt
Multi Site Director of Warehouse and Distribution
North Canton, Ohio, United States
Dhara Patel
Ecommerce DTC Manager
North Canton, Ohio, United States
Richard Fossali
Vice President and General Manager
North Canton, Ohio, United States
David Bicho
VP, Planning/Allocation & Customer Service
Anne Kaiser, PMP, MBA
IT PM Director
Kristen Baas has 229 colleagues in total at Fannie May Confections Brands Inc.. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
Other people named Kristen Baas
Kristen Baas, CBPA
Certified Business Performance Advisor
Houston, Texas, United States
Kristin Baas
There are 2 other "Kristen Baas". You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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