Lt Col Terrence Subasinghe Psc M Sc Defence
Lt Col Terrence Subasinghe Psc M Sc Defence is from Sri Lanka. Lt Col Terrence Subasinghe works in the following industries: "Military", "Hospital & Health Care", "Security & Investigations", and "Maritime". Lt Col Terrence Subasinghe is currently Group Manager Innovation & Special Projects at Technomedics International (Pvt) Ltd., located in Colombo, Sri Lanka. In Lt Col Terrence Subasinghe's previous role as a Maritime Operations Manager at Avant Garde Maritime Services (Private) Limited, Lt Col Terrence Subasinghe worked in Sudan until Jan 2016. Prior to joining Avant Garde Maritime Services (Private) Limited, Lt Col Terrence Subasinghe was a Head of the Office -Jaffna District at UNDSS and held the position of Head of the Office -Jaffna District at Sri Lanka. Prior to that, Lt Col Terrence Subasinghe was a Battalion Commander (Lieutinent Colonel)- 15 Battalion the Gemunu Watch -Sri Lanka Army at Sri Lanka Army, based in Sri Lanka from Jan 1990 to Jan 2011.
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Lt Col Terrence Subasinghe Psc M Sc Defence's current jobs
M/s Technomedics Int’l (Pvt) Ltd as one of the leading healthcare solutions & turn-key medical project companies in Sri Lanka with a comprehensive range of Medical & Surgical equipment & Consumables in the product portfolio. Implementation of Innovation policy in the group and connecting the innovative medical products to the marketing division and coordinate and implementation of hospital projects under my preview. Responsible for working & inspiring company members and other stakeholders, both in facilitation and technical capacity. Facilitate and provide support to a number of working groups which bring members together to research, test and integrate innovations into the standards systems, specifically focused on the assurance model. Focused on related topics such as traceability and monitoring and evaluation. In addition, play an integral role in the organisation as an operational & coordinating expert on sustainability standards, providing networking support to various projects as needed. Have a strong technical background in assurance, with on the ground experience, and is familiar with the operational models of a number of sustainability standards systems within the organisation, most likely worked with one or more schemes.
Lt Col Terrence Subasinghe Psc M Sc Defence's past jobs
Avant Garde Maritime Services (Pvt) Limited (AGMS) provides a comprehensive range of total risk mitigation solutions to the global maritime industry and also engaged in the business of providing of total logistical assistance to vessels transiting the Indian Ocean. I was the senior operations manager of the commercial vessels protection department and subsequently appointed as the In-country Manager-Sudan since 2013 & was based in Port Sudan, Sudan. My key role was to liaise with the Sudanese national intelligence authority and carryout maritime security operations as per the agreement signed by both parties. Also entrusted with looking after the platform and supply of provisions including bunkering, attending technical repairs, crew changes and launch a fixed shuttle boat service from the shore to the vessel. Became an expert in maritime procedures in Port Sudan and RED SEA sector.
Served at UNDSS in SRI LANKA as Head of the regional office in Northern Province & key task was to support and facilitate the UN humanitarian operations in the post war scenario. Responsible for maintaining & implementing the security plan, emergency procedures, evacuation drills, communication among UN staff and other parties. Further, I was directly responsible for the administration & logistics matters of all local staff who actively engage with duties in Emergency Operations Centre 24/7. Maintenance of all radio equipment & movements of UN vehicles are also within my operational responsibility Responsible for dealing and coordinating with all highest international delegations and diplomats during their visits in the region and timely preparing & implementing the SOP's, for: monitoring the compliance of the Operational Security Standards, for assessing the security situation and for identifying contingency plans. Familiar with the wide range of UN security management policies and procedures; respect for diversity and gender balance. Further, I possess the ability to plan, organize, coordinate and implement security operations in the field. The varied range of my professional experiences has enabled me to manage multiple and overlapping tasks on work priorities.
The pioneer commanding officer of the battalion which was raised for the Humanitarian Operation. Battalion is a self-sufficient entity consisting of 25 x officers and 850 men where the Commanding officer is responsible for all operational, administrational, HR and logistic functions within the unit. Functioned as Town Commandant of Mannar town in addition to the main role as Commanding Officer. Experienced in provision of Military aids to civil Authority and formulating contingencies for unforeseen eventualities. Responsible for developing of sound security plan & management of all administrations, HR issues pertaining to troops under command. Active participant of the District progress review meeting in order to establish the Civil Military Cooperation (CIMIC) Experience in Human Resources o As a commanding officer of an Infantry battalion commanding 24 x officers and 850 men, o Over a period of considerable period during crucial environment with each competitive event. o As principal Administration & Logistic staff officer in a Brigade of the army experienced with handling overall HR policy among 3000 troops within the formation.