Marion Habault

Commodity Buyer - ALSTOM
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LinkedIn: Marion Habault
Location: Villeurbanne, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France
Current employer: Alstom
Current title:
Commodity Buyer PCB/PCBA & Local EMS
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:42 AM
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Marion Habault is from Villeurbanne, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France. Marion works in the following industries: "Rail Transportation". Marion is currently Commodity Buyer PCB/PCBA & Local EMS at Alstom, located in Lyon, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France. In Marion's previous role as a Purchaser and Sales Executive at SOLSTEO - Solutions Sterilisation EO, Marion worked in Région de Paris, France until Apr 2022. Prior to joining SOLSTEO - Solutions Sterilisation EO, Marion was a Purchaser at Descours & Cabaud and held the position of Purchaser at Lyon. Prior to that, Marion was a International Purchase Assistant at ATS Développement, based in Région de Lyon, France from Jan 2014 to Sep 2015. Marion started working as Customer Service Representative at Nestle S.A. in Région de Lyon, France in Jul 2013. From May 2012 to Sep 2012, Marion was Customer Service Officer at Solvay, based in Région de Lyon, France. Prior to that, Marion was a Marketing Assistant at Easyflat, based in London, Royaume-Uni from Apr 2011 to Jul 2011.

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Marion Habault's current jobs
Company: Alstom
Title: Commodity Buyer PCB/PCBA & Local EMS
Period: Apr 2022 - Present (2 years, 10 months)
Location: Lyon, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France
Marion Habault's past jobs
Company: SOLSTEO - Solutions Sterilisation EO
Title: Purchaser and Sales Executive
Period: Jun 2017 - Apr 2022 (4 years, 10 months)
Location: Région de Paris, France

SOLSTEO is a company manufacturing Ethylene Oxide Sterilizers for the Medical Device Industry

Title: Purchaser
Period: Sep 2015 - Jun 2017 (1 year, 9 months)
Location: Lyon

Steel business - Flat products In charge of clients requests, procurement and orders Negotiations of prices, delivery times and quality with suppliers In charge of business relations with suppliers. Taking care of the legal contracts' respect Making sure the quantitative goals in sales force are achieved Respect of the volume targets with suppliers

Company: ATS Développement
Title: International Purchase Assistant
Period: Jan 2014 - Sep 2015 (1 year, 8 months)
Location: Région de Lyon, France

Promotional goods and packagings / Point of Sales Advertising - Finding new products respecting costs, quality and delivery times - Elaborating the commercial offers (product's description, selling prices, delivery times, quantities, pictures) - Negotiating with the suppliers in order to get the order - In charge of the administrative tasks - Managing the supply chain : The setting of the products' shipments to France - Respecting the European Regulations, quality controls and the customs

Company: Nestle S.A.
Title: Customer Service Representative
Period: Jul 2013 - Aug 2013 (1 month)
Location: Région de Lyon, France

- Treating the french orders using the software SAP - Managing the disputes - Ensuring products' procurement and deliveries

Company: Solvay
Title: Customer Service Officer
Period: May 2012 - Sep 2012 (4 months)
Location: Région de Lyon, France

- In charge of international clients in Germany, Austria, Russia, Spain, Italy and France and treat their orders using the SAP software - Developing and maintaining contact with the clients - Respecting the commercial rules of the company - Maintaining the clients' information - Following the payments deadlines - Respecting the prices - In charge of the the billings

Company: Easyflat
Title: Marketing Assistant
Period: Apr 2011 - Jul 2011 (3 months)
Location: London, Royaume-Uni

- Finding new tenants - Improving the company services visibility and comprehension - Promoting the company services thanks to the organization of social events - Web marketing - Organizing the welcome of the students - Managing the leases

Marion Habault's education
Master 2 - International Purchasing
2009 - 2014
University of Westminster
Academic Exchange
2010 - 2010
St Marc High School
Economics and Social High School Diploma
2006 - 2008
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Marion Habault
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